3 definitions by sayangouwu

Friend: She seems rude

Fake friend: Yeah..

Fake friend: Yo My fake friend told me that you’re rude

Aliza: Imma finna go bear the shit outta her
by sayangouwu December 28, 2018
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A very good friend who just listens to Padoru, watches anime, and calls with you every single day
Person 1: Call me please
Person2: Ok
Person 1: Thanks, your such a Tamila! uwu
by sayangouwu December 28, 2018
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Its just like a yellow apple, and then you grab a pine cone, cover it up with green paint. STICK it into the apple and boom. You have a pineapple
Teresa: Yo did you know a pineapple is just an apple and a pine cone?
Patricia: What the fuck you’re amazing Teresa-
by sayangouwu December 28, 2018
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