36 definitions by sasha

derives from the term {retard it's not PC but merely refers to somebody socially undeveloped- sometimes it's needed! you people know who you are!! Oh and it also means to be late tardy but I prefer the first expression.
"erm no sorry I don't do tards"
"do you have to be so tarded??"
by sasha November 11, 2004
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The new "farty" psychedelic children's exercise show from the creators of Teletubbies.
Oh ya! The creators of this show were obviously smoking some good shit!
by sasha January 11, 2005
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Ultimate Frisbee term used to describe a member of the team stripping down to nothing, putting a frisbee up their bottocks, and being carried about by four other players who are themselves sometimes topless. Usually done at social gatherings or during tournaments.
"She had no qualms using her brand new frisbee in her landshark"
by sasha December 14, 2003
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If you hadn't noticed, its prom spelled backwards. Its a party held for all non-prom-goers on prom night and no its not a party for rejects, its for groups of friends that aren't seniors yet... so get it right
Morp, my house, friday night at 8, spread the word to the rest of our friends..
by sasha June 28, 2003
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Invented by James, on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the grossest and most annoying a 9.7 is pretty bad. It is frequently used to refer to an unattractive and unfun person often indulged in activites such as tv and complaining.
That girl is such a 9.7 I would rather get with a dude.
by sasha August 4, 2004
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a state of excitement...comes from the root word boner
He was bonified about the great party he got invited to.
by sasha December 24, 2004
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This word is kind of an inside joke. It means everything. So you can say it at any time and it can mean anything you want. ^^
by sasha February 6, 2005
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