17 definitions by rise up rise against

Mayor of San Francisco.

Before, I was doubtful of this man.

But if it weren't for this his daring, our country might never know what it's like to have gay married couples living in our nation (doesn;t feel any different than before.)

If it werent for Newsom, a lot of people would still think gay marriage = apocalypse.

I'm very impressed by what he's done in his first year alone (the only other SF mayor I ever knew was Brown, who did jack shit for all these years.)
BUT I have beef with: his handling of homelessness, the fact that he is very pro-biotech, and the fact that I wouldve wanted to see a green party guy win. (certainly came very close!)
by rise up rise against June 21, 2004
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impossibly good-looking emokid. He is known most commonly as the frontman for Bright Eyes, but he has also fronted his later project Desaparecidos.

This guy is a genius, often tagged as a wunderkind (he started recording at 14) and channels his emotions into powerful lyrics emokidettes can relate to.

Actually, he is still sorta a kid. I went to a show of his when he was way younger and he was so tiny and kid-like it shocked me. I haven't seen him recently (he's gone too mainstream for my wallet) so hopefully he had finally hit puberty and start growing up.

If you like Bright Eyes, you will love Cursive, front by a member of Conor's former band Commander Venus Tim Kasher. Similar music, except I prefer Cursive
One thing that sets Conor apart from other musicians is his amazing voice. His voice wavers when he sings. It reconnects people to memories of crying and painful emotions and whatnot so after a few painful notes, you will be real fucking depressed. Go to one of his shows and you can feel the depression rolling off the crowd. No moshing here, kiddos, just crying.
by rise up rise against June 13, 2004
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City by the pacific Ocean. We have 10 months of winter here and like two of summer.

Places of interest:
We have the Haight and Ashbury area, which really isn't what it used to be.
We have Chinatown, which is smelly and stuffy and crowded all the time. We have a great view, especially from Twin Peaks. We have the alcatraz (sp?) island, and the cable cars are pretty rad.
Like, 40% of this city is made up of Asian people.
by rise up rise against June 13, 2004
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what they stand for: Act Now To Stop War and End Racism. They are a good group, and have organized a lot of protests, although I have to admit these protests seemed to have no effect whatsoever
The protests are never specific enough. These days, ANY protest is automatically mutated into an anti-irag-war and pro=palestine. The message shouldn't be so diluted. There are always like 10 different ideas and you're not really sure if you went for the right reason

But anywho, answer is great; they strive for equality in the world
by rise up rise against June 13, 2004
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not just some stupid movie.

The suspension of normal civil law and its replacement by strict military control.

Imposed during crises, emergencies or civil unrest.

Military rules ALL.

suspension of rights and freedoms
Iraq, maybe, after the June 30 pseduo handover.
by rise up rise against June 21, 2004
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when you are straight edge or sxe and you finally start doing drugs/skanking again.
I broke edge once: New Years. But usually, I am more sxe than your single aunt will ever be
by rise up rise against June 21, 2004
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Orwellion concept.

A crime that you are guilty of because you are THINKING of doing something bad. (i.e. In 1984's Oceania, spending time alone is almost a crime because it's considered odd, and odd people are a threat to a stable environment such as theirs.)

also, see patriot act. (i.e. when you check anarchist cookbook out from the library or something, the gov might have the right to go into your home and tap your phone and computer. And it's all perfectly legal since you might be a terrorist.)
by rise up rise against June 21, 2004
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