9 definitions by pianocheater

1. A fictional game played by Michael Che of SNL’s Weekend Update in his search to catch rare minorities at the 2016 Republican National Convention.
2. A real world, Labor Day Weekend Trumpster smart phone update where Independent Voters search in vain for something even more rare... an intelligent leader at New England for Trump HQ.

Over Labor Day Weekend, the Einsteins running New England for Trump updated their volunteers with a new Smart phone app. Outfitted with phones more intelligent than their leadership, the Trumpsters wandered door to door like Jamoke-haha witlesses in search of new voting souls willing to go over to the Trump-side.

Meanwhile over at the New England for Trump Facebook page, the admins were not only deleting critical comments and suggestions, they then blocked those potential new voters from commenting again. Thus chasing away far more new votes online than the real world wandering witlesses were gathering. (Who’s the NE 4 Trump admins’ advisor on comments, Elizabeth Warren?) Adding to the stupidity is a fact that everybody on the planet knows, but not leaders at NE for Trump...

Facebook routinely blocks conservative readers before they ever get to the Trump FB page. Most of their own die hard supporters can’t even see what those FB geniuses are posting about.

Which is why the NE for Trump FB page has fewer likes than an old lady posting photos of her cat. In 15 months, from all across the New England States, 25,000 ‘likes’ is an absolute joke.
“Have you seen that Trumpemon Go idiocy here in New England?”

“OMG! I just about cracked a rib laughing. I ran a test myself by posting a comment on the New England for Trump Facebook page. They deleted it and blocked me.”

“I did you one better. I reported that I got Facebook blocked to the Hudson, MA Trumpsters. Then the leader came in and told me if I had any suggestions I should post them online... at the New England for Trump Facebook page!”

“Hahahaha. Make America Great by ending the Freedom of online Speech! Hahahahaha... go Trumpemon Go!“
by pianocheater September 11, 2016
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"wikiwoke" is one of the many incurably "wokish" mental health disorders that currently infest the so-called "United" States of America.
Whereby the victims of WikiWokeness Dystopian Dysfunctional Disorder WWDDD actually believe that Wikipedia is a politically unbiased online encyclopedia. Something that Wikipedia dot org has never been for even one single second of its miserably cursed existence.
Since, within mere days of its start, Wikipedia became the online embodiment of a nightmarish mixing of George Orwell's two dystopian world's. Where the inhabitants of "Animal Farm" catastrophically collided with his "!984" futuristic society.
Thusly, creating a world where nobody is safe from Big Brother aka Wokipedia as its multitudes of our present-day "Furries" run totally cancel-culture amok.
Furries, who to a man, a woman or a "they"... all Heil-Hitler-hail from Orwell's 'Animal Farm' world. So that the "they" can perniciously and meliciously replicate themselves that they' might better destroy the once great Republic that was formerly known as the United States of America.

Which is now more aptly called the Demo-Kraut States of American Disunity.
OMG! Seriously? Are you friggin' telling me that there are people/animals out there that are so wikiwoke infected that they actually believe that Wikipedia is NOT biased. lol.

Don't tell me let me guess.
Their sons are out chasing cars 'cuz they think they're dogs. Their daughters have their own litter boxes. While the alleged parents are reading all about it on WikiWokipedia. Now that's funny. Hahahaha...
by pianocheater March 5, 2023
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