22 definitions by parlez

the person to whom you pay a visit when your teeth are misbehaving and are giving you loadsa pain.
many people are scared of going to the dentist, probably due to large number of whirring, drilling, scraping and poking that goes on.
personally, i'm not scared of my dentist, as it is my mum. actually, scrap that, i'm VERY scared of my dentist BECAUSE it's my mum.....
no, honestly mum, my teeth are FINE...
by parlez January 30, 2005
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a completely fantabulous actor who can light up an entire film by simply smiling, speaking, or even breathing. he thoroughly deserves all of the praise he is given, and is way too cool to be bothered by any of the mindless criticism thrown his way.

Johnny is God.
All praise Johnny Depp.
for further proof/convincing, please refer to any of his films, as they are all fantastic.
by parlez January 3, 2005
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the most slappable pirate out there, and the only one who seems to know where the waterproof eye-liner's at...
"Me? I'm just dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest.....honestly"
by parlez December 3, 2003
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1) to get very angry and slightly out of control

2) a polite substitute for the word 'fuck'
1) if you don't stop singing in my ear i am seriously going to flip!!

2) what the flip?!
by parlez January 30, 2005
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exactly the same as 'fuck' but so much more fun to use.

originating from Ireland and put to great and hilarious use in the excellent show 'Father Ted', mainly by Father Jack, it is an excellent way to swear, as you can express exactly the same amount of frustration that you would through using 'fuck', but you don't get in trouble - great!

"feck this, i'm off to the pub"
by parlez February 17, 2005
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the mysterious author of A Series of Unfortunate Events, who is also a character in the books.

his writing tends to be very pessimistic and deliberately dreary, to discourage any foolish would-be reader of his woeful books from inflicting any unnecessary suffering and misery on themselves by reading about the terribly unfortunate lives of the three Baudelaire orphans. despite this however, he has now become a world-wide bestselling author. oops.

oh, and he is also fictional.
his works to date:

The Bad Beginning
The Reptile Room
The Wide Window
The Miserable Mill
The Austere Academy
The Ersatz Elevator
The Vile Village
The Hostile Hospital
The Carnivorous Carnival
The Slippery Slope
The Grim Grotto
by parlez January 11, 2005
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verb: to spaz out

this basically means to either:
a) have a spasm/twitch type thing
or b) get extremely angry and go a bit mental.
a) will you stop spazzing out? it's only a spider...

b) we pissed off our chemistry teacher so much today she just spazzed out!
by parlez February 17, 2005
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