34 definitions by northendwhitetrash

God's gift to man. The perfect mix between untility and cost. The average sized role of duct tape costs less than $2 and is availiable to be purchased almost anywhere. Duct tape is not as sticky as Gorrila Tape, but it is much less expensive and more easily obtained. Every man must have a roll of duct tape somewhere. It is the perfect addition to the car, utility closet and tool box of anyone.

Duct tape was origionally created during World War 2 for the US military to water-proof ammunition crates in the wet climates of the Pacific and Northern Europe. The water-proof qualities earned it the name Duck Tape as it repelled water like a duck's feathers. GIs then began using this tape for fixing things in the field. After the war, this useful product was unsuccesfully used to seal duct work (hence the generic name) later to be replaced by foil tape. The two main producers of quality duct tape are Duck Tape and 3M. It is ussually found in the full-sized, gray roll. However, it can be found in many colors and sizes with many backings (plastic, rubber, fibered etc).
Something is officialy broken when it cannot be fixed with duct tape.
by northendwhitetrash August 4, 2008
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A muscle car is a mid-sized, generally American car from the early 1950s mid 1970s. Muscle cars are generally blessed with V8s, high horsepower, alot of tourqe and a great power-to-weight ratio. Some of the most popular models are the Corvette, Mustang, El Camino, Thunderbird, Firebird and Chevelle. The original muscle cars were genrally lower priced but when they returned in the 1980s and 90s, they were more expensive and sometimes less powerful. Anyway, most muscle cars do not need modification to reach high preformance but if they are modified, they will kick ass. The astetics of the car is ussually left stock, but if it is changed, it will be througgh decals and paint only, almost never a body-kit.
Muscle Car vs. Ricer
Joe: I got a pimped out tricked out Civic can go real fast, I bet i could beat you.
Doug: Hell no, my 35 year old Charger will chew you up, it's got a Hemi.
Joe: well mine looks pimp
Doug: I didn't know pink bumpers with a Boeing 747's wing on the back.
by northendwhitetrash May 20, 2007
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before the time of the SUV, the ultimate soccermom vehicle. Most commonly found in middle to upper class suburbs driven by women (or a man who has been whipped real good by his wife). Mid priced, large to mid size, really safe, ugly. Older volvos are used by people who don't have enough cash to buy a cool car, but they still want something usable.
10 years ago, that soccormom would be dropping her 150lb 10 year-old off at practice in a volvo wagon, not a ford excursion.
by northendwhitetrash December 30, 2008
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A state north of Illinois, east of Minnisota and south/west of Michigan. Wisconsin is known for its almost disgusting abundance of alcohol and alcoholics. Citizens of this not so fine state have some unfounded, unreasonable, unsubstantiated hatred and fear of anyone from another state, especially Illinois. Wisconsinites are grotesquely ignorant and dimwitted. They seem to think that everyone from Illinois is a carbon copy of the jerks that they see from Chicago (not everyone from Chicago, just the jerks) eventhough the rest of Illinois is much like wisconsin with corn instead of dairy and flatter. People from Wisconsin seem to brag about everything, even negative things like adult/child sex and alchoholism. They also seem to maintain that they are the best for things that they have that every other state in the Union could easily meet or surpass.
We could say that in general, Wisconsin is filled with drunk, inbred, xenophobic retards, but that would be offensive to drunks, inbreaders, xenophobes and the mentally retarded.
by northendwhitetrash January 23, 2007
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One of many Catholic high-schools throughout the contry. The one in this difinition is located in Springfield, Illinois. Unlike many other Ursuline schhols, this one is coed. With a population of about 200 students, it is among the smallest high-schools in town. Located on the northend of Springfield, it is on the opposite side of town as the other Catholic High-school (SHG). The Springfield Ursuline's sports teams are called the Ursuline Sonics. Ursuline focuses on Academic Excelence (specifically in fine arts such as music).
Ursuline Academy is often looked down on by the rest of the High-schools in Springfield due to its small size, lack of football team and lack of funds (the school and average students' family is considered poor white-trash by other schools)
by northendwhitetrash January 23, 2007
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an open-face sandwich that originates Springfield Illinois. It consists of Texas toast, covered in meat (usually beef), freedom (french) fries and then cheese sauce (traditionally Welsh Rarebit cheese sauce but chedder or american cheese sauce is just as good) The fries and cheese layeres can be switched in order as they usually ooze togethor anyway.
The horseshoe sandwich is a must have in central Illinois. If you want a half order, call it a ponyshoe
by northendwhitetrash March 24, 2007
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Often, the biggest defenders of free speach are the liberals. In the case of political correctness (PC) the liberals are killing the 1st amendment. PC is an idea to replace everything that could be considered "ofensive" (whether they are or not) with a more complicated term that may or may not be more offensive (midget-vertically challanged/dwarf or retarded-mentally challanged). Some of the most used PC terms are racial (African American, Hispanic American, Caucasian American, Native American etc)Why can't we all just be Americans?
political correctness is really idiotic way to make sure no one ever has a reason to be angry about anything. Half the time anger brings upon social reform. Alot like Newspeak. PC also makes it almost imposible to give a personel opinion. The Nazis also used a form of PC (they "dealt with the Jewish problem")
Black-African American
Beaner-Hispanic American
White-Caucasian American
Asian-Asian American
Retard-Mentally Challanged
Midget/short-Verticall Challanged
Fired-Laid Off/Let Go
by northendwhitetrash July 3, 2007
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