23 definitions by newsvava

1. Exposing one's shaven genital region to others

2. The act of shaving one's genital region
"I told everyone to show up no earlier than 8 p.m. At 7:30, Marsha and Donald walked in without knocking! I was flying the Brazilian flag, right out of the shower! How embarrassing!"
by newsvava April 27, 2009
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"Did you see Annie's status update on facebook today? She's an orphan now!"
by newsvava February 11, 2009
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If you are required to say hello to someone when you see them, you are on a hello program with them.

The hello list is comprised of all the individual people with whom you are on a hello program.
Girl: Hello

Guy: Hello

Girl's friend: Why the fuck did you say hello to that guy?

Girl: Gaa, he bought my textbook. Now we're on an eternal hello program.
by newsvava February 13, 2009
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The accidental exposure of one's tit. Unlike sideboob, tit leak is always unintentional and may occur from head-on as well as from the side.
Girl 1: Hey, good morning!

Girl 2: Dude, close your bathrobe, you've got some mad tit leak.
by newsvava February 11, 2009
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Your personal lexicon. If you're legit, it's full of dope shit.

"Damn you cracks me up! Your verbal diary half belongs on urban dictionary!"
by newsvava February 14, 2009
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An facebook status that functions to update people on how desperate you are.
Girl 1: Did you hear Kimmy's 3rd baby daddy bounced??

Girl 2: Everybody knows dude! She made a desperatus update!
by newsvava February 11, 2009
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Bird shits, or when the frequency or runnyness of your own shitting comes to resemble that of birds.
"I must have parked beneath the bird anal clinic, because when I got to my car it was covered in diarrheets."

"I'm so glad the library has a wheelchair bathroom. The books and quietness always give me the diarrheets."

by newsvava February 9, 2009
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