66 definitions by nethcev!

A certified and trained prostitute of the mind, who naturally charges for his/her services by the hour.
by nethcev! April 28, 2004
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The “Prince of Peace” in whose name countless have been slaughtered.
Jesus Christ: the poem.

The savior.
The light of the world.
The big cheese up in the sky.
Who was nailed to a cross, so we wouldn’t die.
by nethcev! September 1, 2006
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The word’s origins come from sham, French, meaning false or fake - and poo, slang, referring to biological excrement more commonly referred to as “shit”. Thus, one can only assume that shampoo is “false excrement” or “fake shit.”
Examples of shampoo include: Prell, Clairol, Nioxin, Suave, etc.
by nethcev! August 24, 2006
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1. What makes the worst moments of our already miserable existence that more bearable.
2. A sixth sense which some have and others don’t.
"That man has no sense of humor."

by nethcev! August 24, 2006
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A member of an occupation, which requires little professional skill or education. Contemporary examples of such professionals include: industrial assembly line worker, farm laborer, and Senator in the United States Congress.
"I am a lowely peon in the system"
by nethcev! August 27, 2006
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A holiday in October where men dress up, and women dress down.
Classic Halloween examples include women dressing up like animals, nurses and "bad cops" while men dawn robes of the clergy.
by nethcev! August 24, 2006
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The overture to more exciting lascivious behavior.
Often I've wondered what it would be like to kiss you.
What would your lips taste like?
Could they possibly be as sweat as your disposition?
Could they ever be as warm as your heart?
Would your kisses be short and precious, like the moments we share?
Or would they passionately linger through time, like how my love lingers for you?
Oh how I've wondered!
Oh how I've yearned!
To just once hug your lips with my own.
by nethcev! April 28, 2004
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