33 definitions by na

Similar to irony, only worse and less subtle.

1. A form of wit intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule, by saying something when you mean the opposite (the 'victim' should know this, other wise it won't work).

2. Intended to be bitter.

Was once witty, but is now worn out and over-used, which has resulted in losing it's impact greatly.

Is considered a part of 'dry humour' or 'dry wit'.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

"Did you know that the sky is blue?"

"NOOO! You don't say?"
by na May 4, 2004
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Short for:

K ids


anyway, it just means grown ups who still live with there parents.
The British comedy "My Family" has a kipper in it.
by na January 24, 2004
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You owe me some dicket.
by na November 17, 2003
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Not telling it like it is, not telling the truth directly.
Person #1: So, are you really a musician?

Person #2: Well, you see, I've written some songs and uh, a friend of a friend knows this guy who'll can get a record deal and....

Person #1: Come on, stop beating around the bush...
by na March 30, 2004
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Hard to define, a certain eliment of style and sophistication in your fashion sense. Almost artisticly stylish (don't ask).
Oh, My God! that vintage Chanel handbag is soooooo chic!
by na February 10, 2004
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A white guy who dates (fucks) a Japanese chick and makes all the little Japanese men jealous.
I'm 38 and still jerking off because of the wapanese.
by na November 27, 2004
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