93 definitions by n/a

The flagship and offical airlines of Germany.
by n/a August 9, 2003
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Very skilled; pro to the max; super!
IE: mel anunciado
Ahem ahem ahem
you get the picture
by n/a June 10, 2003
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Slang term which means " everything is chaos." Mostly heard and used in Canada
When I walked in on Adam and Ian they were having a gongshow of a power shower.
by n/a June 20, 2004
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Originated from Canada. It is a term used mostly in the hockey world of Canada. Gong Show baically means "out of control"
When i walked into the washroom Ian and Adam were having a gong show of a power shower
by n/a June 20, 2004
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polish asswhole who can't get any at all.
lies a lot too.
also tires to get with anything that moves...including guys, dogs, old women...anything
Yo, you know remik?
yeah man, they guy is not cool at all
by n/a March 16, 2005
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to physically or mentally over extend oneself
"Dude, don't overprojaculate yourself."
by n/a January 30, 2004
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people with bad grammer and bad sentence structure. They cant spell or read. Thats why they are in lit block

lit block can also mean that your illeterate

LB= lit block
hahhaha that gurl is in Litblock
damn your talken in lit block
wtf i dont understand litblock
omg that was so LB dude
by n/a June 11, 2003
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