62 definitions by my name

yet another slang term for yore asshole or yer rectum.
Adam Gooch likes it up the sphinkter
by my name February 11, 2003
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The liquid or semi-liquid result of a female orgasm.
After I finished eating out Jenna, my face was covered with girlcream.
by my name February 4, 2003
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A Neo-Conservative Manifesto conjured up by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle and others as a way to put rule of the entire world under the arm of the future militaristic dictatorship of the United States of America.

See also: PNAC
"The Project for the New American Century is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; and that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle."

Takan from their offical website.
by my name June 13, 2006
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a combination of a communist and a nazi. Though technically impossible, since communism and nazism are opposites, it still makes a good insult.
"Pat W. told me that Linkin Park is emo, he is such a communazi."
by my name April 23, 2005
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Possibly one of the most hated people in American history. He got us involved in a war that we had no business starting (Iraq), and is about to get us into 2 more (North Korea, Iran) Also gave Osama Bin Laden a two month Headstart on US forces(we knew he was responsible for 9/11 when it happened; we attacked the taliban and al qaida in november) I hate him, he's got the IQ of a tree stump. See also communazi
by my name April 23, 2005
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Gibson: "Those fucking jews hated the Passion, do you know why sugartits?"
Officer: "Sir, if you call me sugartits again you will be tazed."
Gibson: "Because they're fucking jews Sugartits!" *tazed* "Damn jews and their tazers!"
by my name August 15, 2006
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Boourns is not similar at all to boo, it is in fact the opposite of booing.

It comes from an episode of The Simpsons when Mr. Burns made a film for a film festival that no one in the audience liked, so they booed him. Burns, being surrounded by yes-men for his whole life was unfamiliar with being booed so Smithers told him they were chanting "boourns" rather than booing.

Mr. Burns stood up and asked the audience if they were booing or if they were chanting boourns. They responded by booing him, except for Hans Moleman who admitted to chanting "boourns" which leads one to the conclusion that Moleman liked the movie and was using the expression to show his enjoyment.
Idiot: "Dude, that movie sucked. Boourns!"
Other Guy: "You idiot, boourns is used for a good movie like Borat."
by my name August 15, 2007
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