231 definitions by mlhiss

A dysfunctional condition created when those of extreme wealth such as the 0.1% use their power and enablers to disproportional influence beholden politicians to generate highly distorted institutional policies that unfairly favor those with the highest concentrations of wealth at expense of society as a whole. This is especially true when they use their power to hurt those most in need. An example, of such a policy, maybe to borrow a trillion and a half during an economic boom to give a tax break to the wealthiest of wealthy. While at the same time eliminating much of the safety net and greatly increasing the cost of higher education for the middle class during times of most need.

The methods they use to get what they want include, but are not limited to:
1. Pure Corruption and bribery.
2. Semi-legal Corruption and cronyism.
3. Rigging political institutions to do their bidding.
4. Election security and all types of contributions.
5. Setting the election agenda for politicians based on divisive issues, then make them do the bidding of the rich when win.

6. Rigging the election system.
7. Selective enforcement and interpretation of the law. Create legal barriers for the poor.
Excessive wealth disorder biggest problem is not that it preserves and protects those with wealth, it is that the preferred method is to promote unfair advantages and subsidies and often environmental destruction. Often they promote dysfunctional and hostile government practices to assure citizens do not go to the government for solutions.
by mlhiss June 23, 2019
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Someone who is not so drunk that they can call an Uber or Lift driver or taxi driver, and who has the means of paying for the driver.
Anne will be the designated drunk driver since she has an Uber of Lift app on her I phone and never is so drunk or poor that she can't call and pay for one. Also Anne would never leave any of us behind, or anyone drunk with the keys to a car.
by mlhiss April 19, 2020
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The Nuclear Power Plant proposal got the NIABY prize from the activist group., as a form of recognition of their successful opposition to the proposal.
by mlhiss December 12, 2019
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Frivolous musing. Legal term for senseless argument.
The Appeals Court dismissed the defenses argument as implausible speculation.
by mlhiss October 7, 2020
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Frivolous musing. Legal term for senseless argument.
The Appeals Court dismissed the defenses argument as implausible speculation.
by mlhiss October 7, 2020
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Slang for "wear a mask asshole". Commonly heard a during pandemic.
A new product out that will greatly reduce your chances of getting and spreading Covid-19.""Wearamaskasshole."
by mlhiss June 27, 2020
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A medical conspiracy theory that Covid-19 pandemic deaths are greatly exaggerated and may not be reported accurately. Some may minimize the loss of life of the old and sick who had little life left to live . The same people may also note that it only a few percent are vulnerable and that it disproportionately impacts minorities.
While the concept of virus trutherism is held together by a minimal amount of evidence, the idea is held by a vocal group with a high amount of fire power.
by mlhiss May 15, 2020
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