43 definitions by maxzilla

technically it refers to the part of a revolver that hods the bullets. later it was used for a dick that is wider than it is long.
he put a new chode into the gun.
by maxzilla June 22, 2003
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a commonly used cheer in online multiplayer games after a big win
h00t we pwned you all!
by maxzilla June 21, 2003
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American slang in Beijing for Police. Taken from the english slang popo for the police, "pa" in chinese means fear, so literally it infers you fear the police, or that you have reason to be afraid, for example if they are after you. This is ususally used when trying to dodge or otherwise avoid the police. Akin to pigs
Hey, run for the subway, I pissed off that vendor and she went and got the papa.

xiaoxin! wo jiu kanguo yixie papa!

watch out! I just saw some papa!
by maxzilla July 17, 2006
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super men, Hitlers ideal for the SS before the US kicked their sorry asses.
I am the ubermench, fuck not with me.
by maxzilla June 22, 2003
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the greatest album ever.
Radiohead made it under capitol records
put on that ok computer it's the shit.
by maxzilla June 22, 2003
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a gradeschool prank usually you would write:


on your hand, then ask if they wanted to join the pen15 club. it worked best if you had a bunch of people do it. then you would get them to go through the secret ceramony where you would write "pen15" in the so that it looked like you wrote "Penis" and you would point and laugh. best done with sharpie marker.
dude: Hey I joined the pen 15 club!
chick: Pen 15 club my ass you have penis on your hand, get the fuck away from me!
by maxzilla April 25, 2005
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much more than an assload, used when people dont want to swear and say a shitload.
I've got a metric assload of work to do, so buzz off.
by maxzilla October 29, 2003
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