10 definitions by master pjesdrw34

Someone who is an extreeme buckfuck. A self-aware individual who despite knowing better, decides that they would rather be depravited than constructive.
by master pjesdrw34 February 15, 2018
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A shnuck that needs to immediately self-terminate
Omg did you see that guy? Total fuckleshnuck
by master pjesdrw34 February 15, 2018
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An incredibly annoying and intentionally devicesive person who just won't shut up
Stephen S was SUCH a BUCK-A-FUCK.. that damn buck-fuck
by master pjesdrw34 February 14, 2018
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Someone lacking in complete mental awareness or faculty
Trump is a complete mentaloid
by master pjesdrw34 December 11, 2017
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Like a gook a fuckabuck is a gooky embodiment of a gook.
by master pjesdrw34 February 27, 2022
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A corruption of 'u r fag' or 'you are fag'.
Hey jez, y r fag.
by master pjesdrw34 February 14, 2018
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The contents of a bong, once filtered and dried to be re-smoked once one has ran out of weed / synthetic weed. Can also refer to the contents of a bong thoroughly cleaned with uncooked rice and ethanol or methylated spirits - dried and ready for re-consumption.
Couldn't get any decent weed so had to re-smoke my scunge. Wasn't bad though.
by master pjesdrw34 February 21, 2018
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