17 definitions by margaretsanger

The act of sleeping with or dating someone for with no intention of ever having a serious relationship with them and then dumping them after 3 months/90 days as to move on or to keep from hurting the victim of the affair. Often, both parties know that they are not suitable for each other.

Smart, attractive, jaded, and/or hypersexual females are often the culprits of ninety night-stands. Rich men, players, married and/or hot men are also frequent culprits. These people are not necessarily players, but they are opportunists.

Young, needy, cute, plain and/or naive women as well as women with low self esteem who are good in bed are frequent victims. Unemployed, hot, lower class, stupid and/or neanderthalic men who are good in bed are frequent victims.
Jim: I've been dating this smokin' hot music executive for a few weeks now. She is so perfect. I want her to be my sugar mama.
Tom: You dumbass. You fold shirts at Banana Republic for a living and you don't even have your GED. You're her ninety night-stand.

Angela: (sobbing) I can't believe that Dr. Spencer broke up with me. He was so great and so good in bed.
Psychiatrist: You dumb bitch. He's married to a total MILF. You're not even that cute. It was a ninety night-stand, not a relationship. He just wanted to try stuff his wife wouldn't do and throw you to the curb.
Angela: But he said he loved me after we slept together.
Psychiatrist: He probably meant that he loved that you'll do all the freaky shit his wife wouldn't do.
by margaretsanger December 24, 2005
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Aussie born actress and one of Hollywood's few great actors. She played Queen Elizabeth of England in the movie Elizabeth I for which she received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. She won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for the movie The Aviator in which she played Katharine Hepburn. She played Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings. Her other movies inclue The Life Aquatic, Little Fish, Heaven, The Man Who Cried, Bandits, The Talented Mr. Ripley. She is married to screenwriter, Andrew Upton. They have two children, Dashiell and Roman.
Cate Blanchett and Brad Pitt are starring in the movie Babel.

Cate Blanchett always dresses well.
by margaretsanger December 28, 2005
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Editor of the American version of Vogue magazine. She is the the skeletal woman without a soul who inspired the book "The Devil Wears Prada." She is the stereotypical evil, controlling bitch boss. Her exact opposite would be the far nicer and far more successful Oprah. She is proof that money and designer duds can't hide the lack of class. Her evil ways are often revealed by her workers. She has been famously pelted with red paint for wearing lots of fur.
Anna Wintour made her staff take down all the holiday decorations that they worked hard to set up.

Did you see the picture of Anna Wintour getting pelted by peta supporters? It was in the middle of the frickin summer.
by margaretsanger December 26, 2005
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V Day or Vagina Day is a day established by Eve Ensler, author of the Vagina Monologues, to end domestic violence and sexual abuse of women. It is celebrated on Valentine's day and many communities put on plays from parts of the Vagina Monologues or additional stories related to orgasms, menarche, first sexual experiences, sexuality, molestation, rape, etc. They express what a vagina would say if it could talk. Proceeds from the plays go towards centers for domestic violence and rape preventions.
On V Day, I went to see the Vagina Monologues in New York. Whoopi Goldberg, Gloria Steinem, Rosie Perez, Kate Winslet, Glenn Close, Cate Blanchett, Susan Sarandon, Winona Ryder, and Lily Tomlin. It was hilarious, sad, heartbreaking, and eye-opening.
by margaretsanger December 28, 2005
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Violence or otherwise physical abuse of one's spouse or partner. It is generally done by men to women, but women can also be abusive.
Gest accused Minnelli of domestic violence.

Domestic violence is America's dirty little secret. It can be done by a husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or life partner.

The incidence of domestic violence is higher in ALL minority groups and certain groups of immigrants.

Children who grow up in homes with domestic violence are greatly affected. The girls are likely to accept abuse as a norm in relationships and the boys continue the cycle of abuse.
by margaretsanger December 23, 2005
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Contrary to popular belief, a supermodel is not just any prominent model. There are only five: Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington and Claudia Schiffer. These are the models who ruled the fashion industry in the 1990s with outrageous contract demands and failed though financially rewarding attempts at acting and singing; the era of the supermodel is over. Prominent models are known as "powermodels" and include Tyra Banks, Kate Moss, Gemma Ward, Heidi Klum, Gisele Bundchen and the like.
Janice Dickinson claims to be the world's first supermodel but she is actually just a hideous troll.

My favorite supermodel is Christy Turlington. She seemed more down to earth.
by margaretsanger December 28, 2005
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Deposit of subcutaneous (right under your skin) fat and fibrous/connective tissue that results in dimpled, cottage cheese or orange peel appearance depending on amount of fat; affects a majority of women but only really fat men. Generally appears in butt and thighs. Even super skinny people can have cellulite as it seems that it is somewhat hereditary or hormonal. Creams and pills can improve the APPEARANCE of cellulite, but it will go back to looking bad when you stop using them. Liposuction does not remove cellulite. To get rid of cellulite, one must exercise and cut out bad foods, especially ones with preservatives. There is also an expensive treatment known as Endermologie that gets rid of it. If one stays fit, it actually reduces with age.
I can't believe this. My doctor says I'm underweight but I have cellulite on my thighs. Damn genetics.

I got rid of my cellulite by exercising a lot, lifting some weights and cutting out processed foods. Now my bottom half looks as sexy as my top half!
by margaretsanger December 24, 2005
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