25 definitions by lynx wings

Original Female Character inserted into fanfiction. A female OC.
She wrote a story about Snape falling in love with her OFC, Vivian. Unfortunately, Vivian was a Mary-Sue.
by lynx wings April 24, 2005
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An often exceedingly craptastic piece of fanfiction which alternates between a story and song lyrics. Not a bad idea by itself, but usually not done very well at all.
I read a songfic last night to 'Sk8er Boi'. I wish to hunt down and torture the author.
by lynx wings April 22, 2005
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1. Feminine name meaning "moon."

2. The mascot of New Moon magazine.
1. They decided to name their daughter Luna because she was born on a full moon.

3. When writing a letter to New Moon, she started it off "Dear Luna . . ."
by lynx wings April 23, 2005
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n. A large arboreal boa of tropical South America . Anacondas hold the record for heaviest, if the not longest, snakes in the world. Anacondas are constrictors.  The snake squeezes tighter each time its prey breathes out, so the prey cannot breath in again. This goes on until the prey dies of suffocation.

Also can be used as a euphemism for a certain male bit, but this is discouraged as it tends to give the slightly nerdier among us odd mental images of being squeezed to death and devoured by a penis. For most of us, this is not exactly erotic.
Jane saw an Anaconda in the reptile house at the zoo.
by lynx wings April 23, 2005
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In the Buffy fandom, a pairing between Spike and Xander.
Anna writes Spander, because she thinks Spike and Xander are destined to be together.
by lynx wings April 23, 2005
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1. The femmeslash equivelant of yaoi. Explicit lesbian sex. Started in the anime fandoms, but can be applied to just about anything with girl/girl porn.
A summary for a yuri story might read:

Mai gets a new dildo and tries it out with Serenity. This story contains yuri.
by lynx wings April 23, 2005
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The godawful.net screen name of the most fantastically amazing person in existance. Namely, me. Also goes by lynx wings or Natalie.
by lynx wings April 22, 2005
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