3 definitions by kitty doesn’t mess around ;)

A sound Santa Claus makes or a word from “I love it” by Kanye west and lil pump.
Hoho ho”
You’re such a fucking ho’ I love it
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They’re either a great person or a bitch. No in between.
Guy 1: Wow she’s such a snitch/bitch
Guy 2: She must be a Lillie-Rose
Guy 1: I know another Lillie-Rose and she’s like the best person
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This person is either a great person or not. Jack is an annoying person often and is very sarcastic (sometimes good sometimes not).

Sometimes Jack can treat a girl well and make her feel special. The girl will fall for him however she doesn’t know he’s a fuckboy. Soon she gets pushed over the edge.

But there are good Jacks out there. Keep looking!
Girl: Jack’s such a dick. Why did he change?
Boy: Idk. He’s a Jack tbh.
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