67 definitions by ke6isf

Cool, in a rugged wrong-side-of-the-tracks way. Comes from the S.E. Hinton novel The Outsiders. Oppose preppie, and differs significantly from tough.
You ain't tuff, and you never will be, ya preppie!
by ke6isf March 23, 2004
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The hoi polloi. Those who follow triends blindly. Portmanteau of "sheep" and "people", derived as sheep follow their flock and shepherd seemingly mindlessly.
The sheeple cheered as Britney Spears' replacement girl-group singer came onto the stage after hearing she was featured in Teen magazine.
by ke6isf November 3, 2003
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The best cherry cheesecake can be found in New York City. Why do you think they call it New York cheesecake?
by ke6isf November 22, 2003
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An imaginary number to be used when you have lost count of something and you need to verbally state a quantity.

Origin unknown.
Yes, I know you have rung the doorbell eleventy-seven times!
by ke6isf August 12, 2004
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