4 definitions by just me ^^

Appart from the animal goat,nowadays teens us it as a slang which means: greatest of all times.Usually used by soundcloud rappers who think they are funny or being deep or sth.It is also used with the goat emoji as sarcasm but anyways it sucks.Dont use it!
A random jackass on his friend's insta post: Goat๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ
A soundcloud rapper on his other fake account commenting on his own song with 20 views: Goatttt๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ”ฅ
by just me ^^ February 2, 2020
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A person who lacks intelligence.Can be at very age.It means the person doesnt have a lot of knowledge in different situations but mostly does actions which normal people consider to be uncommon and not responsible.Also they may find it difficult to obey a certain rule.
"I told her 3 times not to eat others leftovers but she still doesnt understands it,she is so stupid."
"She really got into relationship with my ex...gosh she is stupid!
by just me ^^ February 2, 2020
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The name Sara is a girl's name of Hebrew origin meaning "princess".
Sara can be a very lovely girl but if you misbehave she can take your man too.She is hot,usually acts as an extrovert but is actually a super introvert. She is one of those girls who flirt with their friends and after they fell for it,Sara says she was just kidding and STILL cannot talk to their crush.They possibly leave you on delivered for the whole day and respond at 3 am but never mind because even if it is her enemy's birthday she will throw a surprise party.Thats just Sara being"that bitch"
-Hey Joe,did you see Sara after the game?

-Nah bro,the bitch is busy putting ballons for Daquayvion's birthday...
-Lol,the same Sara who was crying because he dated her cousin? Damn!
by just me ^^ February 2, 2020
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An Albanian girl name which translated to english means Spring.Pranvera is a very humble and lovely girl in the first sight but she can get fancier if you get to know her.She is the "nerd" at you class but still popular and everybody loves her.She dresses casual even though sometimes she may like attention but still can do it with no effort because she is gorgeous.At least 3 boys have a crush on her but will never ask her out because they are not good enough even though she never claims her expectations.She wont hesitate to help you when she can, but you shouldnt rely on her for some things for ex. related to very important things that you know she doenst like being included in.
And if you are close enought with her,then you probably will get to call her just Era which means the wind.Basically she is the human definition of nature.
Who is she?
-Oh,that girl with the blue scarf? She is Pranvera, and Im telling you she is one of a kind!
Hey Era can you help me out with these sheets?
-Sure,lemme hold this for you real quick!
by just me ^^ February 2, 2020
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