255 definitions by jesus

1.)A person who uses political beliefs or passions of any kind as a platform to express their hatred for another individual. 2.)A media personality who spreads hate under the guise of a political affiliation or a religous belief.
If you are going to make an important decison regarding religion or politics, listen to many points of view and not just of those of the Hate Mongers.
by jesus March 9, 2004
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Very obnoxious and never knows when to quit.
Damn it Hazlett, stop trying to stick your dick in my vagina!!!
by jesus June 5, 2003
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likes to kill people and bury little kittens that he killed into shallow graves.
Im going to Hazlett you kitty.
by jesus June 5, 2003
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Best Online free game in the world... can be quite addicting in fact you might find urself playing more than u eat or sleep such as a certain someone thats #1 on the high scores list
"hey Todd.. wanna play some football"

"no thanks.. i think i'm going to play runescape all day"
by jesus March 26, 2005
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I guess it don't really got a definition. It's a random word it can be used 4 anything! Heres a few examples...
1) your msn screenname
2) To shut someone up when your having an arguement
3) a nickname 4 sum1
4) a cocktail
5) a greeting ie. hello, goodbye
6) a screenname for a site ie facepic/party
7) a possible new line of clothing?
8) when theres nothing else to say...AYPA!
" You can't argue with that, you know I'm right!"
" ya well.... AYPA!"


" So what should we talk about"
by jesus April 22, 2003
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