34 definitions by jeFFro

Hi, I'm a guy and I have motivation and drive because of my penis.
Jeez, he's president of his company and making $110,000 a year? He must have sooome penis.
Wow, check out the penis on that guy.
by jeFFro February 25, 2003
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(n) A usually small portion of marijuana that a guy smokes with a girl he likes so that she will (or hopefully) give him head.
"Dude, I don't want to smoke it all... I gotta save some head weed for Jessica later on, man."
by jeFFro June 14, 2004
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The act of touching oneself to produce a favorable feeling in the groin area. Usually accompanied by some sort of mental, visual, or audio stimulation to assist in reaching climax.

jerking off; spit-shining the old water pump; waxing the brass candlestick; beating off; playing cards with only one hand on the table; riding the quarter-horse; joining the mile-high club, solo-aviator division; giving in to the hand police; self-actualization; fully realizing your potential
No honey, I don't want to tonight, I'm tired from watching Oprah. Why don't you just go masturbate?

That dumb broad got me all worked up and left me; so I had to spit-shine the old water pump manually if ya know what I mean.

Sometimes, when I wake up, I have an erection, so I have to beat off until it goes away. Sometimes, it comes back so I beat off again until it goes away. Once, it kept coming back so I just chopped it off. It hurt bad.
by jeFFro February 25, 2003
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The biggest creeper of them all! Someone who stalks, stares too long, doesn't talk to you but looks at you from a distance a lot, uses the word 'creeper' to refer to any male stranger that hits on her, basically out of all the people I've met, Dana Barnes
Dana Barnes would always look at me out of the corner of her eye, would talk to other people about me, using my Facebook mini-feed as a reference (since we were 'friends' on facebook just through mutual people). And one day the weird staring got me thinking, maybe she likes me and I should at least break the ice. Then she calls me a creeper for saying "hi". Wow, I wonder where DAD was growing up, for she has a lot of issues. You, Dana Barnes, are dubbed the Grim Creeper!
by jeFFro January 5, 2009
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(n.) Similar to an "attention whore", but a social climber is anyone that becomes friends with someone else if they have something that they want, which we all know involves people. They become 'friends' with people who "know people". In turn, they become (or attempt to become) 'friends' with that first person's more "popular" friends, leaving the first person behind. Repeats this cycle to "get to the top", in their own mind, until they realize they are shallow and unable to like people for who they really are. Inevitably, they will be forced to "mature" beyond this. This usually pertains to girls more so than guys.
Cat becomes friends with Nate. Cat is very nice to Nate because Nate's friends all throw good parties. Cat plays on Nate's (painfully obvious) attraction/interest in Cat to get her and several of her friends rides/free alcohol at Nate's friends' parties. Cat meets some other people who know about parties and social things through Nate's party, and eventually doesn't see any more USE for him. Cat is a social climber, because to her, friendship is just a game and other people's feelings don't matter, because she doesn't feel them.
by jeFFro November 8, 2007
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(n.) 1. A kind of "orgasm" a person feels when they are intensely stoned and feel like they're floating away.
2. Really good weed, or money to get weed.
"Holy shit, I'm having an izm! Damn this feels good, it's like I'm floating away and I can't feel my legs!"
"Wanna chill, dude? I got some mad izm on me from my homie."
by jeFFro April 10, 2004
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"Magic City let me hear ya i yi yi..."
-Ying Yang Twins
by jeFFro April 9, 2004
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