15 definitions by ihatelifemorethanyou

Girls are an intricate race of polar opposites of guys. I'm not saying all girls are bad but I would say a HIGH majority of girls are just bitching attention whores. One day you're cool with them and the next they decide to randomly flip out over little piece of shit things and then proceeds to act like some brainless 2 year old.

Unfortunately statistics show that almost all of the nice, quiet girls are taken already. That leaves the rest of the girls and the G.I.R.Ls to be fairly split among desperate guys. Good luck finding a girl.
All the quiet, nice girls are overshadowed by their bitching attention hogging peers. Too bad. The world sucks but what can we do about it?
by ihatelifemorethanyou January 12, 2010
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People in your family who specialize in making your life hell. Depending on what kind of parents you have (asian parents are the worst), they can also make sure that you don't have a life, make you study your ass off for no reason, and basically make you a working robot.
Person 1: Hey Jimmy, coming to the party tomorrow. We gonna drink, play video games, dance and all the following above.

Jimmy: Srry guys i can't, my asian parents are making me read books in chinese.

Person 1: Dude you are so uncool.
(Poor Jimmy...)
by ihatelifemorethanyou April 13, 2009
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The most celestial pair of words in the universe.
Hades: Why can't I kill Odysseus?

Zeus: Ahaha Epic fail.
by ihatelifemorethanyou November 1, 2009
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The kinky way to spell whore that bypasses almost every censor filter system. Used repeatedly in video games.
Me: Jenny, you are such a level whore...

(Jenny sees: Jenny, you are such a level ****...)

Jenny: Wat? censored

Me: Oh, Jenny you are such a level vvhore.

by ihatelifemorethanyou January 10, 2010
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The only day of the year when it's acceptable for guys to dress up as girls in school.
Guy 1: Hey what's your costume gonna be for Halloween tomorrow?

Guy 2: I'm gonna steal my girlfriend's clothes and shoes and dress up like a blond slut.

Guy 1: Won't she mind?

Guy 2: Nan, she's curious about what I'll look like.

Next day...

Guy 1: Holy shit! You look better as a girl than a guy!!!

Guy 2: ...
by ihatelifemorethanyou November 1, 2009
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What people say when they have no clue what's going on and have nothing to say.
Guy 1: Hey, yesterday I slept at 2 o clock in the morning. The bio homework took the longest time but i suppose calculus took some time also. When did you sleep?

Guy 2: um... LOL!
by ihatelifemorethanyou November 1, 2009
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Is awesomeness. PERIOD. STFU all you haters of it and i hope that you all have fun doing your homework like nerds and pursuing some boring-ass daily activities like gossiping and get rejected by someone you like. People who watch anime understand that life isn't perfect and lacks some essentials that are covered by the action and excitement of anime.
God: I made anime. Fuck all you people who hate it.
by ihatelifemorethanyou September 16, 2009
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