7 definitions by hot diggity

the proper term given to somebody who listens to metal and dresses accordingly.

unlike what the townies like to say and just call ne1 who has a guitar a grunger
by hot diggity February 4, 2004
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dat feeling you get when you gots no bones
Dat mo fo Josh is always broke
by hot diggity October 4, 2002
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dat biach who is down wit the getto boys
Alice is a hood rat
by hot diggity October 7, 2002
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dat iz dem hoes that hoisty (hot) and toisty (toasty)(drunk)
My hizzy fizy had a dizzy partay.. and betty looks damm hoisty toisty
by hot diggity October 4, 2002
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1. wat you do to yo biach
2. wat your drive
3. wat happens when da paddy wagon comes around
Yo biach! lez ride in the ride before we ride.
by hot diggity October 4, 2002
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wat yo biach calls you right before you put out
who's yo daddy! biach!
by hot diggity October 7, 2002
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