16 definitions by furry trout

1) A person who always calls you by name in a public bathroom
2) A person who insists on talking to you in a public bathroom, either at the urinal or through the stall door
3) A person who follows you into a public restroom to continue a conversation
4) A person who answers their cell phone will using the urinal or sitting in the stall
I can't believe Boy Wonder followed me into the restroom to talk about his life-long dreams of a beach house, ferrari, cage diving with great whites, visiting the oval office, meeting a president and swimming with a killer whale at Sea World; what a batorator.
by furry trout March 24, 2010
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A condition reached after much initial exuberance about the prospect of hiring additional staff, only to be worn down by a plethora of mediocre, under-qualified or part-time insane candidates, leaving the interviewer with the beer goggle equivalent mentality that even a sub-par candidate late in the system has some great appeal that derives more from a desire to get the process completed than from finding the correct person to hire
Jim is definitely experiencing Interview Fatigue Syndrome. The last candidate he wanted to hire actual wore green socks outside his suit pants.
by furry trout November 23, 2010
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The process of assuming the lingual practice of using too many adjectives to describe something, which stems from spending too much time either in an offshore subcontinent office or conversing with individuals from said office.
Mike demonstrated that his indiafication is nearing completion when he described his latest privacy issue as “surprising, jaw-dropping, shocking really” at the seniors meeting today.
by furry trout January 26, 2012
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A woman who looks attractive from a distance, but up close needs a lot of work done in order to actually be attractive
Man, she was like a wooden boat...looked good from a distance, but up close you can tell she was in need of more than just paint and varnish
by furry trout December 23, 2008
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A public toilet that someone has left completely shrouded in toilet paper
I went into the men’s room this afternoon and the back stall contained a zombie bowl. There was so much paper draped around the thing, I was afraid whatever lay beneath might re-animate if disturbed.
by furry trout June 12, 2012
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When your boss decides to manage up by taking on more responsibility than the department has a reasonable expectation of completing, and then dumps the work on his/her subordinates which is followed by an expeditious dive into his/her office to avoid the pending fallout.
Can you believe Jeff’s latest dump and dive? There’s no way we’re going to be able to get all that done without installing a shower and some Murphy beds in the office.
by furry trout April 1, 2010
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The excrutiating pain a man receives when his boss cancels a meeting that would have the boss offsite for the remainder of the afternoon
Glenn got Blue Boss'd when Jeff canceled his meeting in the city. Now he has to deal with him the rest of the afternoon.
by furry trout February 8, 2010
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