5 definitions by frisky curtain

Vocabulary guys commonly use in the company of other males which is confusing or vulgar to females
Lewis: Boom, motherfuck! Suck on that bitch!
Lisa: What did you say to me?
Lewis: Sorry, bro speak. I meant you lost.
by frisky curtain June 24, 2008
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When a person whilst texting/IMing begins to misspell ever other word and talks in incoherent speak that makes them appear to be drunk by others; the technological form of slurred speech
Peter: Dude, what the hell was wrong with you last night? I couldn't understand a word of your text. You were all like drunken chatting.
Bob: I was really tried and finishing off my last beer.
Peter: That explains it.
by frisky curtain June 20, 2008
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A boy and a girl that act as if they are boyfriend and girlfriend (hold hands, kiss, cuddle, call each other pet names, etc.) but due to circumstances or timing have yet to officially announce they are dating
Dude 1: So are you dating Heather or what?
Dude 2: No, we're just darlings.
by frisky curtain August 18, 2008
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