42 definitions by fauxbourdon

noun. Yoga-like exercises meant to tighten, tone, or condition the vagina.

Etymology: contraction of "vaginal yoga."
Darlene's voga exercises keep her as tight as a teenage virgin.
by fauxbourdon December 3, 2005
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noun. The simultaneous co-occurrence of a queef and a fart; sometimes due to a recto-vaginal fistula (small tear in the anal wall connecting the rectum to the vaginal canal), but sometimes the result of a queef and fart occurring simultaneously by sheer coincidence.

verb. To queef and fart simultaneously.
Sheila spread her legs and let the juiciest quart I ever had the displeasure to hear. I couldn't believe how loudly she quarted.
by fauxbourdon December 3, 2005
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noun: a puff of air originating from the rectum but released from the vagina, i.e. a fart redirected to the vagina.

verb: to produce or emit a quart.

NOTE: this occurs when a woman has a recto-vaginal fistula, i.e., a small tear in the lining between the rectum and the vaginal canal. Unlike a normal queef, a quart smells like a fart because the air comprising it originated from the digestive system.
Helen held her asscheeks shut tightly, trying not to fart, but because of her fistula, she couldn't help but let a huge quart insted.
by fauxbourdon December 5, 2005
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Pronounced "fyook" (rhymes with "puke").

verb: to suck or draw in air through the vagina.

noun: the act or occurrence of sucking air into the vagina. Usually followed by a regular queef as the air is released.

Etymology: "queef" in reverse.
The stripper knelt over my dollar bill, spread her legs, and feeuqed it up.

Donna can queef on command, but she has to feeuq beforehand.
by fauxbourdon December 7, 2005
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noun. Fecal matter excreted through the vagina. This is generally caused by the presence of a recto-vaginal fistula (a small tear in the tissue separating the rectum from the vaginal canal).

synonym: cooch turd.
With no restroom in sight, Brenda clenched her ass shut tightly, but much to her chagrin, her turd passed through her fistula and plopped out her coochie as queefshit.
by fauxbourdon December 3, 2005
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verb: to expel semen that has been ejaculated into one's bodily orifice by another person, e.g. by defecating after anal sex, or by douching after vaginal sex.

etymology: hybridization of "evacuate" (as in, "evacuate one's bowels," i.e. to shit; "evacuate one's bladder," i.e. to piss) and "ejaculate," i.e. to cum, jizz, nut, etc.
After Bob nutted up her poop chute, Mary went to toilet to evaculate.
by fauxbourdon December 7, 2005
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verb. To expel air from the vagina; to queef. ("Queeve" is the verb form of the noun "queef," cf. "believe"/"belief", "grieve"/"grief", etc.)

past tense: "queeved"
past participle: "quiven"
Lenore spread her legs, braced herself, and queeved heartily. Clearly, she had quiven many times before.
by fauxbourdon December 3, 2005
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