39 definitions by duncan

Sexual Intercourse.

Rarely used without Bang Bang k'Tang Tang preceding it.
"He got himself a little Bang Bang k'Tang Tang. A little Rrrrubop a hoo bang".
by duncan November 11, 2003
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Chavs and neds say this to everyone.
Sort of like calling people 'pure gothic bams', 'big junkies', or 'y'bam'

These neds are the bane of Scottish society, They have nothing better to do...... I digress.
Basicly, Neds sy this and it's meant to be insulting.
'Yer ma, y'bam'
'Ah pure had yer ma'
'so did yer ma'
by duncan January 14, 2004
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The term jock is commonly used by self confessed anti-socialists.
Skaters frequently use this term, as they are jealous of the more popular, better sports people. Although these people tend to think too highly of themeselves, they tend to succeed in gaining a number of the opposite sex as dedicated followers, of which outsiders are jealous of.
by duncan February 26, 2005
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She's got some nice maguffies!

I'd like to get a hold of those maguffies!
by duncan August 22, 2005
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"Oh, the show's about to start- I'll see you at Mish".
by duncan September 29, 2004
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A woman of questionable background, with whom sex would necessitate wearing two condoms.
Q: Would you screw Paris Hilton?
A: Sure, but I'd double up on the jimmy hats 'cuz she's a double bagger.
by duncan February 19, 2005
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