32 definitions by david smith, jr.

If I put a gun to someone's head for not giving me money I go to jail. So why is it okay for the government is throw me in jail for refusing to pay taxes?
by david smith, jr. July 4, 2009
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The last hope for America. The only politician who actually gives a rat's ass about the Constitution.
If Ron Paul existed during the American Revolution, he would easily become one of the founding fathers.
by david smith, jr. February 6, 2008
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A fucking shitty Yu-Gi-Oh! message board overrun with annoying, hypocritical hipster administrators/moderators who ban you if you even slightly disagree with them.
Blue is the worst staff member for Duelistgroundz.

Virtually everyone on Duelistgroundz listens to shit like Brand New, Radiohead and Dir en grey because rei likes them.
by david smith, jr. February 10, 2008
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A word I looked up on Urbandictionary to see what people thought of the mythical English king, but all I got instead was disgusting sex definitions.
by david smith, jr. February 26, 2008
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anyone that honestly believes minimum wage doesn't hurt the economy seriously needs to take an economics class.
progressives will continue to harm our nation's economy if they keep coming up with bad ideas like minimum wage.
by david smith, jr. April 21, 2008
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Peyton Manning is the most overrated and overhyoed player...in the postseason.

Seriously, how did he get the MVP with these stats: 25/38 (65%, solid), 247 yards (average 6.5 yards a pass, bad), one touchdown (considering he's Peyton fucking Manning, you'd expect more, hell his brother had more touchdowns in his Super Bowl appearance, and Eli is terrible!), one interception, which equates into an 81.7. Normally, that's seen a just meh, but this is Peyton Manning we're talking about, so there's more weight.

Dominic Rhodes ran for 113 yards on 21 carries (5.3 yards a carry, on the Bears defense!) and touchdown, yet he didn't get the MVP?
Don't get me wrong, I was glad Peyton got his ring, since he deserved it. But his victory isn't as good as the media says.

Don't forget, he was playing against an incredibly overrated Bears team that was led by Rex Grossman. If you gave any team two weeks to prepare against that, they're going to crush them.

Overall rating for Super Bowl XLI: 3/10.


-Peyton gets his ring
-Grossman gets raped


-Peyton is one of, if not the, most undeserving MVP in Super Bowl history.
-Rain made the game sloppy.
-06-07 Bears are one of the worst teams to make the Super Bowl.
by david smith, jr. January 30, 2009
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The CIA directed the Bay of Pigs you dumbass.
Definition 1 is false because it was the CIA that directed the Bay of Pigs. Kennedy did the right thing by calling it off, then trying to get rid of the CIA.
by david smith, jr. February 21, 2008
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