6 definitions by davey crockett

The third sex, often appreciated by confused teenagers
A: Wow! thats neither man or woman
B: No, its a gymnast
by davey crockett February 10, 2005
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A lot of food. Variation on the phrase "i could eat a horse between two matresses"
I could eat a scabby horse
by davey crockett February 10, 2005
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1. to rite, skrach, or dabbel something down on paper
2. to remove
1. Billy-bob writ his idear on his gluv.
2. Sammy Joe writ off her 3rd cuzin as a potential man, cauz he was too distantly related.
by davey crockett September 24, 2003
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Feeling physically sick every time one sees pictures of, hears the "music" of, or even utters the name of Chr***ina Ag***era. (You know who i mean) Often induces cold sweats
I suffer from aguileraphobia
by davey crockett February 10, 2005
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