44 definitions by da trick biatch

when a frontin' ho gets her ride repossessed, she becomes a repoho
sarah's 4-runner was repoed, and now she is the REPOHO!!!!!
by da trick biatch December 21, 2005
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a bitch who poses like she's rich, but isnt.drives around in a 4-runner like its the bomb, and then the re-po men come and take it away, leaving her THE RE-PO HO!!!!!
sarah is a total re-po ho! now she has no ride!
by da trick biatch December 6, 2005
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canadian people (like on south park, they have flip top heads)
i was arguing with a bunch of flippers on the wall.
by da trick biatch December 21, 2005
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a canadian person, like on south park, with a flip-top head.
i hate that stupid flipper on the wall. he is a bitch.
by da trick biatch January 9, 2006
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a hairstyle popular in the late 80's early 90's. the bangs of the females hair are teased and hairsprayed inot a huge crest, like a cockatoo.the sides usually puff out until the female looks like a lion. commomly seen in the armpit of georgia, lindale and silver creek, where its popularity has not yet waned.
kim has a killer bitch flip.
by da trick biatch November 27, 2005
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a penis. usually a cold, underwater penis.
Danny went swimming and the water was so cold mr. pink and purple was microscopic!
by da trick biatch April 27, 2006
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an asshair that gets pulled by underwear.
i think its time to wax, i just felt a twingle butt hair.
by da trick biatch November 26, 2005
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