34 definitions by crazyrabbits

The name of the main character on the FOX series "Prison Break". Planned an elaborate escape plan and got himself incarcerated at the Fox River Penitentiary in Chicago to rescue his brother Lincoln, who was set to die for the wrongful murder of a man. Michael has tattoos all over his body that give clues to the escape plan. Michael is currently on the run along with his brother and other escaped cons.
Michael Scofield has this look that he gives people called "Blue Steel". It's like that look Ben Stiller gives in "Zoolander", but about twenty times cooler. Also, he started a relationship with the prison's doctor, Sara Tancredi, who really likes him as well. She's just temporarily busy with her AA meetings at the moment.
by crazyrabbits September 12, 2006
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A character on the popular FOX show "24". A Middle Eastern terrorist who wants to avenge the attacks on his home country by attacking America. Worked for the McLennan-Forrester company while establishing a network of terrorist cells to complete his operation. Tried to melt down 109 nuclear plants, of which he failed to do. Hired a mercenary named Mitch Anderson to shoot down Air Force One, which he succeeded in doing. Currently overseeing the arming a nuclear bomb to attack America.
by crazyrabbits May 5, 2005
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The "facehugger" is a creature that as created by the artist H.R. Giger in the "Alien" movies. Facehuggers typically lie dormant in eggs until they sense the movement of a possible host, at which point they hatch. They attack by attaching themselves to a host's face and implanting them with an alien parasite, using a tube which is inserted into the host's mouth. This process varies in length from about 15 minutes to a few hours. After they have implanted the embryo, they detach from their host and die. The alien embryo then grows inside the host's ribcage and bursts out of them after a period of a few days, although this timeframe may vary.
All you have to know is if you see one of these things, run for the hills.
by crazyrabbits May 11, 2005
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An online command in the game "Everquest 2". Brings up a menu that you can use to order pizza. Perfect for people who are too lazy to get up and use the TELEPHONE!!!
Everquest Player: (types /pizza)
(30 minutes later)
Pizza Hut Deliveryman: Here's your pizza...that comes to...holy s#$@, you're freakin' huge! Get off the chair and get some exercise!
by crazyrabbits May 6, 2005
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The title of a show that was produced in 1978, and again in 2004 as a remake of the original series. The plot follows the crew of the Battlestar Galactica and a fleet of ships as they search for Earth, while all the while being chased by the Cylons, a group of sentient robots that want to destroy humanity.
(from the 2004 Battlestar Galactica series)
Number Six (Cylon model): God has a plan. He has a plan for everything, and everyone.
by crazyrabbits August 9, 2006
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The greatest first-person action RPG ever created. Created by the Ion Storm company in 2000.

Tells the story of JC Denton, a technology-augmented government agent who works for an agency called UNATCO, and discovers a hidden conspiracy involving members of the highest levels of government. How you play the game is totally up to you. You can do anything, go (almost) anywhere, and talk to (almost) everyone. The voice work is exceptional, the graphics are great, even years after it's release, and the plot is engrossing. This is definitely a game you should pick up.
JC Denton: What good's an honest soldier if he can be ordered to behave like a terrorist?
by crazyrabbits May 6, 2005
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A science-fiction/drama series created by James Wong and Glen Morgan, that lasted one season, and aired from 1995 to 1996. Follows a group of marine cadets as they form a military squadron called the "Wildcards" and take on extremely dangerous. The "main" character is Lt. Nathan West, who signed up because he wasn't allowed to go on a colonizing mission with his girlfriend Kylen Selina. Unfortunately, the craft Kylen was on was attacked by a race of unknown beings, who then come to be named "Chigs". In the final episode of the series, the Chigs struck a tentative peace treaty with the Earth government, but used a captured Chig to assassinate a group of high-ranking Earth delegates. The Wildcards managed to find the transport ship Kylen was being carried on, due to a trade agreement between the aliens and the Earth government, but the squadron were attacked by Chigs. In the end, two of the recruits were facing possible death as their escape pod drifted towards the surface of a planet, one recruit sacrificed himself to save the lives of everyone, and Nathan West finally found Kylen. In short, one of the greatest science-fiction shows ever.
"We thought we were alone. We believed the universe was ours. Until one night in 2063, on a Earth colony 16 light-years away, they struck. Now we're at war. We fight when called, in space, on land, and at sea. To lose this war means more than defeat; to surrender is to never go home. All of us must rise to the call... above and beyond."
by crazyrabbits May 6, 2005
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