23 definitions by combat_rock

Possesed by ALL true ninjas, real ultimate power is the ability to flip out all the time and kill people for practically no reason at all.
If you don't believe that ninjas have REAL Ultimate Power you better get a life right now or they will chop your head off!!!
by combat_rock November 8, 2003
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The only band to suck so bad they actually GOT SUED FOR SUCKING. Their lead singer is the biggest wanker ever.
I was just at a Creed concert, and that singer started posing like Jeebus, so I barfed. Now I'm gonna sue them for making me sick.
by combat_rock November 24, 2003
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Awesome soft drink with a light vanilla flavor. Often distributed by well known root beer companies for some reason.
IBC cream soda is the best.
by combat_rock May 17, 2004
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The two pimpest dudes ever. Sure, they may deal drugs and Jay has the IQ of a hamster, but damn they are sweet. Also known as Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith, or Bluntman and Chronic.
I'm Jay, and this is my hetro lifemate, Silent Bob.
by combat_rock May 17, 2004
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A band characterized by moronic lyrics with many mentions of the word "fuck" (CuZ Th3y r teh H4Rdc0R3!!!111!!), shitty power riffs played over and over, and inane "beats" added in. Their lead "singer" Fred Durst either "raps" in a whiny bitch ass voice or "sings" in monotone. Y'know, when he's trying to be all "serious".
Limp Bizkit song: Move in now move out, hands up now hands down.

Me: What is this? The fuckin' hokey pokey?
by combat_rock November 29, 2003
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1. Some guy that translated the Bible along time ago.
2. Lebron James, aka the next big thing in the NBA.
1. I prefer the King James bible to the new one that are written in English.
2. King James owned the Kings in his first game, even though his teams sucks ass and lost it for him.
by combat_rock November 8, 2003
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A brand of angst that is indulged in by particularly whiny people, a.k.a. "wankers".
My, that kid wearing all black is so full of wankst.
by combat_rock December 2, 2003
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