19 definitions by cockjuggling thundercunt

The everlasting glowing sphere of fiery power that can sometimes be sequestered from a crate, barrel or will occasionally burst from the womb of the universe. Some go there whole lives without ever seeing the elusive bright shine that can drive even the most lowly knave to supreme glory. Its origins date back to ancient times, (Jan 31 2008). Its raw energy derived from the NUTSACK OF CHUCK NORRIS, shooting from his throbbing urethra, the energy shot forth into the bowels of the universe's cunthole. It gestated for countless millenia waiting for the opportune moment to blast through and reveal its supreme power in a display of unparalleled awesomeness. Gaining the power of the deceptive orb requires cunning, skill, stamina, endurance, luck and pure testosterone. It may last only for a moment, but for that brief instant... you are god.
Nadsack: no... dont get it...

Dude: Im gonna get it!!! IM gonna get the smash testicle!!!!!!!

Nadsack: NOOoOOo!!!

Dude: YES! I GOT IT!

Nadsack: *blown away in blinding light AAAUAHAUAGAHAAGH!!!!

Dude:....I love this game.
by cockjuggling thundercunt October 13, 2009
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The epitome of Aghori pride. You will know he is near by his signature "BOOM!" that he cries out in his tantric meditation, or by the rotten stench of a cannibalistic geriatric that hasn't bathed in god knows how long. Commonly seen drinking his own urine, Boom Boom Baba has reached a stage of enlightenment that few will ever even dream of, he has learned to live off the land like a true Aghori, eating whatever he can find ( seriously, anything.). He earned his fame when aired on an episode of Wildboyz, over the years he has climbed to celebrity status, even having several cameo apperances like in District 9. If you look closely you can see him standing atop the humongous alien spacecraft with his arms in the air proclaiming his name... "I AM BOOM BOOM BABA"
guy1: "Dude I was walking down the street in India when I heard it..."

guy2:" heard what?"

guy1: "....BOOM!!!"

guy2: "Oh my god... it was Boom Boom Baba...

guy1:" I know, it was amazing"

guy2:" You're soo lucky."
by cockjuggling thundercunt October 12, 2009
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When, in the middle of a heated sticky sweaty romping raging session of intercourse, the one special girl that will do anything for you will reach in her own tight asshole, force her fingers around her uterus that you are busy pounding away at with your meatshaft and grasps your raging hard on and gives you the greatest sensation in the world by giving you a handjob with the inside walls of her vagina at the same time while fucking a smoking hot bitches cunt hole.
Chick: Oh my god ur soooo good! omg omg omg

Nadsack: Fucking give it to me!!!

Chick: wat????!

Nadsack: A flaming master falcon grip BITCH!

by cockjuggling thundercunt August 26, 2009
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Sticky milky residue that can drip, but has been known to violently erupt from a stallion's veiny throbbing cock. It is also word/phrase that can be used to emphasize a particular feeling or emotion. Anger, frustration, or witty humor can all be elaborated with the term horse cum.
or... " I love horse cum."
by cockjuggling thundercunt March 23, 2009
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To receive (or give) an extreme uppercut, similar to a falcon punch, directly into the ballsack and ending up with either one or both testicles lodged up within the abdomen. The reversal of this process could take days or even weeks, all dependent on how big the nutshovers biceps were. Until the said testicles descend, the victim in a constant condition that is a.k.a NUTSHOVED.
Nadsack: Dude, u still nutshoved?

Matt: Yeah... B nutshoved me a week ago.

Nadsack: I wanna get nutshoved too!
by cockjuggling thundercunt March 23, 2009
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The absolute worst, most unappealing, downright stupid, idiotic, mind numbing, horrendous, dick-limping, vagina-drying, waste of time humanly possible. This sad excuse for an online game represents how far mankind has fallen, and shows just how severe peoples dumbness can be. How someone can find such a chore like FARMING so entertaining is laughable. So many lives are wasted everyday when people go and play this shit stained program on their facebook profiles. Some even have the audacity to speak of this wretched atrocity, gloating about how useless they are and how great their farm looks. This ends up disturbing the lives of the majority of the population who actually matter (the people who dont play farmville). Farmville is the kind of bad habit that can destroy life-long friendships or end a marriage, the hate inducing game is so downright awful, people go so far as to plot the murder of those who play it, which is understandable. When it comes to the future of the human race, all the addicts who believe there are part of something popular when playing farmshit, will hopefully be killed off by natural selection. While the rest of the people in the world, who deserve to live, are out living their lives continue to procreate, all of the inept addicts who are busy locked up by their computers playing farmfuck will slowly make the world a better place, right before they get to harvest that last goddamn crop, by dying.
Example 1

Guy(winner): Hey, just got off the phone with 100 hot horny girls, they want us to come over to their place! Lets go!!!

Nadsack(loser): Can't, I'm playing Farmville, waiting to harvest my crops.

Example 2
Guy(winner): Hey man, I'm soo sorry your family died in that plane crash.

by cockjuggling thundercunt November 3, 2009
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A common phrase openly stated by the typical man, its meaning applies to two specific scenario. The first and more common one being when a woman with a fantastic set of funbags, despite having a "great personality", walks by a man who catches a glimpse of the glorious sight and will happily proclaim "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice TATES!", expressing his joy. The second meaning is derived from the great sense of satisfaction a man gets when he imagines what a pair of nice tates would look like pressed against his face, for when something cool or awesome happens, it becomes more than acceptable to state "Niiiice Tates" as a means of defining the awesome/cool moment.
Example 1

Dude1: "Dude check out the hot bitch wearing the soaking wet white tank-top!!!"

Dude2: "Shes got some Nice Tates!!!"

Example 2

Nadsack: "Niiiiiiiiiiice Tates!"

Chick: "Excuse me???"

Nadsack" *gets scared girly look his face "Oh im sorry! I wasnt talkin bout u! It was just the moment!"

Girl: "Ur such a loser, get a haircut."
by cockjuggling thundercunt February 22, 2010
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