25 definitions by chris wheelie

Apart from crackers, style or wiggers, this word can also be uttered by disappointed or ungrateful persons. It's a simpler way of saying 'big deal', 'so what?', 'Is that all there is?'.
Deek stared with incredulity at the meal set before him. In the dead centre of a plate, the size of a small coffee table, lay one solitary dod of potato salad.
"Ritz", he rumbled.
by chris wheelie April 30, 2005
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From the film "Taxi Driver" (1976). The central character (played by Robert De Niro) goes doolally and society is to blame. During his journey into madness and mayhem, he decides to shave his hair into a mohican style or mohawk. This hairstyle has since been particularly embraced by punk rockers thanks mainly to this movie and the bands Plasmatics and Discharge. The De Niro character is called Travis Bickle... therefore a "Travis Cut" ("Bickle Cut" sounds too much like a chunky sandwich spread).
Travis Cut were also the name of a UK punk band from the mid 1990's.
by chris wheelie July 21, 2006
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Birmingham, circa 1994.
Became a nickname to which I have been cursed, not due to my practising said 'art', but through an innocent mispronounciation of my surname. I'm stuck with it.
Man: (at door of concert): "I've come to see Chris..."
Woman: (on door) "Chris who?"
Man: "Erm... Chris.... Felcher??"
by chris wheelie April 21, 2005
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Person of individual or eccentric demeanour found freqenting every major (and often minor) bus park or station throughout the globe. Living in their own special world, said Bus Station Loony will happily occupy each daylight hour shuffling throughout every corner of their domain. They love to be among people, but are inept at standard social intercourse, therefore will mumble to themselves, sing, hold conversations with inanimate objects and generally put the willies up any average commuter.
Also any member of the long-running British punk band, The Bus station Loonies. The similarities are several thousandfold.
Whilst waiting for the number 84 to Tavistock, I had to occupy my time by trying to avoid the Bus Station Loony at Bretonside Station. The poor soul reeked of urine and kept insisting I came to their gig that night.
by chris wheelie April 30, 2005
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An exclamation to use among quaint and polite circles, when really you mean buggered.
"Well, I'll be jiggered!" ejaculated Auntie Gladys, when Gracie won bingo the third time that day.
by chris wheelie April 28, 2005
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The consequence of having a weak willy. The condition which leads to damp patches at inopportune moments.
If it weren't for my drippy tiddler I'd wear beige trousers more often.
by chris wheelie April 28, 2005
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A term for white sauce, used in cookery. Also slang for sperm, due to its appearance and consistancy.
by chris wheelie April 21, 2005
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