16 definitions by chillcat

when there's a median lane that cars going in both directions can turn left in.
we almost went head on with another car in the suicide lane
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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bad pot that isn't kind it's just the regular run of the mill and usually cheaper
You got the commercial or the kind bud
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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losing oneself in a senseless task while under the influence of speed.
She would tweek all night cleaning the house and pulling apart electronic devices.
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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a little bug that is hardly visible that bites the hell out of your ankles usually found down in Florida
The noseeums bit the hell out of me last night
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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when someone grinds there teeth and there jaw keeps moving out of control after the use of speed or cocaine
You could tell he was coked up because he had wig jaw all night
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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tool used for smoking pot.
a one hitter that comes with a box that you s hold bud in. you use the metal one hitter to dig out the bud.
he had a dug out we could take one hitters at the club.
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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a place for the lady to rest her chin aka your nut sack
She was licking my chin rest all night
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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