10 definitions by c. Wallace

Meaning something is old, in slang terms. Ususally used in a negative sense of the word.
"Man, that song's ancient"
"I heard that story before, that's ancient"
by c. Wallace May 21, 2004
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To be beyond drunk. Most often, those whom get to this state never remember being there. One test to see if someone has reached this plateau is to ask them to spell the word "hammered".
"Wow Matt your really hammer!"
"Snow Hime snot...zzzzzz"
by c. Wallace May 21, 2004
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Referring to a woman's vagina. A word used to refer to that area without using any vulgar terms that may affend.
"Oh my god my dress flew up you and everyone saw my hoohaa!"
by c. Wallace May 21, 2004
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(Adj.) Someone who exaggerates the truth. A person whom most often then not, always has a story to tell in relation to the conversation, most often the story is made up or a gross exaggeration of the truth.
"Bob, did you see that J.F.K. Documentary?" "My brother's roomates uncles, fathers, sister, friends, aunt is best friends with J.F.K." "Damn, Bob you are such a cacker!"
by c. Wallace May 20, 2004
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A fictional abulance or rescue squad for someone who cries or whines, most often without provication. A way to insult someone whom often cries for no apparent reason; a cry baby, a brat, or someone suffering from hypochondria.
" Waaa, waaa, I want a cookie waaaa, waaaa, waaaa!"
"Did someone call the wambulance, WAAA! WAAA! WAAA!"
by c. Wallace May 21, 2004
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A person who without provication continually annoys others. Someone whom repeatedly acts like a fool despite frequent criticism.
"Shut up you stupid bitch monkey!"
by c. Wallace May 20, 2004
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