109 definitions by bryan

The action of liquid coming out of one's nose when made to laugh.
Susan snerked her milk when Johnny made her laugh at the joke.
by bryan July 7, 2004
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Extreme approval of something gnarly.
Schwea bro, that snowboarding trick was dope!
by bryan April 6, 2005
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Someone down with the movement of love, funk and good old times.
"That Page guy is just so heady"
by bryan May 30, 2004
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im leavin, bookin, etc.
person#1:yo i'm bouncin
person#2:Peace, stay strong, one.
by bryan April 19, 2005
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to get "jiggy" is to fuck, or get down. will smith did not create this word...i did. fuck you will.
-man when i took her home, we got jiggy with it.

-i was sure getting jiggy on that dance floor yo diggidy dawg
by bryan November 24, 2004
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Similar to the Roman War Helmet, except you put your anus on their nose, place your balls on their chin and let your penis extend down their throat.
Brendan passed out early, so I gave him the ol' Canadian Defensive.
by bryan November 20, 2004
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The area between your balls and your ass.
I could really use some baby powder on my bass.
by bryan November 20, 2004
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