24 definitions by bob beeflips

At any camp or sleepover involving junior high boys, the time after "lights out" to begin making farting noises, real or imitated.
The youth director is asleep - it's fart thirty!

(sleepy camper) What time is it?
(friend rips one)
(sleepy camper) Oh. It must be fart thirty! (responding in kind)
by bob beeflips November 16, 2011
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1) A Trump Republican.

2) A Republican who is linked to Trump, whether they want to be or not.
Jeff Sessions was a Retrumplican before anyone else.

Even though Karen Handel doesn't mention Trump once on her website, her opponents will attempt to paint her as a Retrumplican.
by bob beeflips April 28, 2017
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I'll take whole wheat, with pickle, lettuce, olives and nonions.
by bob beeflips May 5, 2010
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Smart phone emails sent while on the toilet. Not to be confused with "pot-email," which is email sent while in Washington state.
Fern: I just got your email, but I also just saw you come out of the john.
Jones: I had the time and inclination - I sent you a potty mail.
by bob beeflips October 4, 2012
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Something to be scared out of, instead of "bejesus."
Housing prices scare the bebuddah out of me.
by bob beeflips December 17, 2010
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Someone who refuses to shut the fuck up.
Emma: So then anyway, the point of the story is that I ran into DeNiro on the subway did you see his movie Meet the Fockers it’s his best movie...
Savoy: it’s really hard to get a word in edgewise.
Tim: yeah she’s a chain talker.
by bob beeflips May 12, 2018
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So far I have pawtographs for Lassie, Benji, Milo, Otis and the Taco Bell dog. The ultimate would be Frank the Pug from Men in Black.
by bob beeflips May 16, 2011
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