30 definitions by bill gates

Fan of Microsoft's game console. They prefer to suckle from Bill's cock whenever possible.
Yo nigga, you see that new Xbox game??

Yeah, it was cool. Not as good as suckling from Bill's johnson though.
by bill gates June 13, 2004
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a very very very very very good friend, such as a great friend only without having to say great, or very multiple times
deserves hug--> (hug)
tom green, you are a goodly friend, only because you are so funny and are in such films as, "Freddy got fingered" and "road Trip"
by bill gates September 6, 2004
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NintendoGN.com is quite possibly the greatest Nintendo site ever in the history of the internet.
NintendoGN.com sure does rock!
by bill gates December 3, 2004
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the biggest number. a google has 1 and 100 zeroes after it. a googleplex has a 1 and google zeroes after it
googleplex wiser than einstein
by bill gates September 14, 2003
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a pair of tits that have zits on them
Man, that ho Julia got some serious zit tits!
by bill gates May 19, 2004
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A poorly engineered and poorly designed computer made by apple, it has been proved that only 3% of all emacs will ever successfully play a whole dvd while the other 97% will either freez, or pretend that the disc has not been cleaned, the only reason why the emac is considered to be the best computer in the world is because it has less cord, also see white shit box pooltoy or bill clinton
yo dude isn't that one of the original 1943 game boy's?
Nah man this is an emac
by bill gates September 6, 2004
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also see spankercheif: sock inteded for use on foot, placed over the penis to catch semen while spanking the monkey
Harry placed his milksock over his cock while beating off.
by bill gates October 21, 2003
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