8 definitions by aquajerk/surly

someone who drives Chevys, drinks Budweiser, listens to Nickelback, votes Republican, and basically does absolutely NO thinking on their own, at all, just does/thinks/believes what advertising/media tells them.
My sister just got her third Dachsund and of course named it a people name: Charles; total lame yuppie-wannabe. And then Carl just bought a pickup truck, and of course it's a Chevy, his fourth one, cause he's an "All American", like the commercials tell him. He also had Nickelback blasting when he pulled up in it, and had a case of shitty Budweiser beer in the truck. God, my sister and my friend are both such a couple of simpletons.
by aquajerk/surly December 22, 2011
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the funniest insult ever. Was most common in elementary school, but was not as funny back then.
Sorry I'm so late. Drew wouldn't borrow me the car. He was being a poopface.
by aquajerk/surly October 30, 2011
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when someone shits directly into your ear. Named after one of the world's worst bands, as anyone with good taste in music would have concluded
Friend: What's wrong?

Me: "Owww, my ear hurts. I was listening to the radio and got Nickelbacked. IT BURNS!!

Friend: Yeah, I know. I've been there, man. Let's get some GOOD music into that ear of yours right away.
by aquajerk/surly December 22, 2011
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similar to a standard cosmetic facial, instead using fecal matter as the medium on the subject's face rather than makeup, lotion, etc. A more thorough version of the Chocolate Mustache.
Joe got so wasted last night and was being such an asshole, that we had to give him a full poopfacial; the Chocolate Mustache simply wouldn't do.
by aquajerk/surly December 16, 2011
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the state of being "under", either passed out, blacked out, or both, due to excessive consumption of the recreational beverage ethyl alcohol.
Jim had no clue which of us drew dicks on his face last night, as he was under alcosthesia.
by aquajerk/surly October 31, 2011
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A band made in Heaven and handed down to mankind to aid in making life worthwhile, particularly in the context of the times when it was. Quite possibly the best musical group to ever grace the Earth, The Offspring combine elements of Punk, Grunge, and Pop rock, along with intelligent themes, meaningful lyrics, and a very unique style. While this group is quite underrated, it seems to retain some of its "underground" air.
Person with taste: The Offspring kick so much ass!

Idiotic Loser: No, they suck. I like Linkin Park.

Person with taste: You should probably go and check to see if you are mentally retarded.

Fact - The Offspring eats Linkin Parks, pukes Lady Gagas and Justin Biebers, and shits Nicklebacks.
by aquajerk/surly October 28, 2011
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A band among the pioneers of Metal in the 1980's who, although talented in the instrumental department, sucks as far as singing and lyrics go, and is very overrated. THUNDER...THUNDER...THUUUUUUNNNDDEEEEERRRR. How childish. A very large portion of their fan base includes guys between the ages of 30-40 years who still live with their parents and are not very intelligent. In my opinion, liking this band is excusable if you're a teenager in high school, but when you get older and still like them, I mean, really?
Highly immature 30 year old: Metallica rules!

Me: Yeah, I thought so, too. In HIGH SCHOOL! Then I grew up, and realized that they are just a bunch of wannabes who think they're badass but they're really not.
by aquajerk/surly November 5, 2011
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