35 definitions by anycon

(int.) super-euphemism for gosh, created along the same lines as ghey; perhaps influenced by Amitav Ghosh, the name of an okayish novelist.
Gholly ghosh my knickers are now confirmedly in a tweest!
by anycon September 18, 2005
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(v.) to break in, as one would a virgin (chiefly anal).
D'you wanna dog out my five point oh (5.0)? -Ali in 'Bully'
by anycon November 16, 2004
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The principal etymological precursor of the word 'cunt', found in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
The fires brenne upon the auter cleere,
Whil Emelye was thus in hir preyere;
But sodeynly she saugh a sighte queynte,
For right anon oon of the fyres queynte,
And quyked agayn, and after that anon
That oother fyr was queynt and al agon;
And as it queynte, it made a whistelynge
As doon thise wete brondes in hir brennynge;
And at the brondes ende out ran anon
As it were blody dropes many oon;
For which so soore agast was Emelye
That she was wel ny mad, and gan to crye;
For she ne wiste what it signyfied.
by anycon October 2, 2004
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A fusion of the already very expressive words twat and wanker to describe a peculiar, even unique, kind of contemptibleness found in those who are both stubborn and awkward, awkward and stubborn.
'You fucking twanker Matthew.'
by anycon December 23, 2004
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The entry above omits to mention the adjectival form, 'chavish', which describes a person or thing with distinctly chavvy or chavesque characteristics.
Burberry and Vicky Pollard (from the telly) are chavish.
by anycon September 18, 2005
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1. (n.) Any mongy or monged-up person. A freak who is so freaky that s/he doesn't know that when s/he is behaving freakishly that others regard him/her as a complete mingmongmang
2. (interjection) A call one would make to humiliate a mingmongmang, often repeated.
3. (n.) An Asian downsyndromer/ general Disabled.
"That guy's a serious mong, said Obaloink.
by anycon June 24, 2003
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