11 definitions by anuncertainsomeone

A means of propulsion in Kerbal Space Program that harnesses the power of the Space Kraken to propel the player's ship forwards in a manner that defies the laws of physics. Examples include the heat shield propeller, the ladder drive, and the docking port drive.
A: No matter how hard i tried, i just couldn't fit the delta-v AND the thrust into the same rocket.
B: Well then, Kraken drive it is!
by anuncertainsomeone November 28, 2022
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Anything you can walk away from
I mean, half of my rocket exploded trying to land it on Mun, and so my kerbals are now stuck there, but they're still alive, so i call that a successful landing.

The plane is wrecked, but everyone survived, so that was a successful landing.
by anuncertainsomeone March 19, 2022
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When you saw something so cursed on the internet, you want to delete any memory you have of what you just saw, so you take a bath in the river Lethe.
*Sees cursed post*
That's it, i shall now commit Lethe Bath.
by anuncertainsomeone August 19, 2021
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