5 definitions by Your Dad367347543567

How many people Lex Luthor is going to kill.
Lois Lane: But millions of people will die!
Lex Luthor: BILLIONS!
by Your Dad367347543567 September 24, 2006
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The website you're on right now, jackass.
I went to urbandictionary.com and looked up "urbandictionary" because I thought it would be clever.
by Your Dad367347543567 July 25, 2006
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A strand of cum suspended between any two points, usually between one person's mouth and another person's genitals.
Dude, I just watched a porno where this chick jerked and sucked off five guys at once. There was so much pime, it was ridiculous!
by Your Dad367347543567 August 7, 2006
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Screwing somebody in the eye so hard that their brain turns to mush.
Julius Caesar gave Cleopatra an Egyptian head massage, then turned to Brutus and said, "And you, Brutus?"
by Your Dad367347543567 January 7, 2007
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Screwing someone in the nose so hard that their brain is reduced to mush. The name derives from the fact when ancient Egyptians were mummifying a corpse, they would remove the brain by sticking a poker up the nose, scrambling the brain, and yanking it out through the nose.
Caesar gave Cleopatra an Egyptian head massage, then looked and Brutus and asked, "And you, Brutus?"
by Your Dad367347543567 December 17, 2006
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