16 definitions by Yhtomit

Abbreviation of the phrase: 'totally pwned/owned

Can also be twnage: total ownage
I was watching some newbie on Runescape get in a fight with some Level 50 guy. He got twned!
by Yhtomit March 4, 2007
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1) An expert street thief, who has people buying his stolen goods.

2) Someone who makes/sells pirate copy DVDs, CDs, and other things like that.

3) To steal out of a bag, handbag, pocket, etc.
1) I'm going to get some stuff off the yanksmith.

2) The yanksmith in the Shopping Centre has the new FPS game from Nintendo.

3) Damn it! I've been yanksmithed!
by Yhtomit December 10, 2006
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The unwritten law that says it is wrong for a boy to hit a girl without correct provocation.

Terms that can overpass this law:
Girl punching a boy
Girl cracking joke about race, religion, background or close relative
B: I'm gonna kill you!
G: You can't hit me, the B/G Law!
by Yhtomit December 3, 2006
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1) .swf
Suffix added to the end of Shockwave Flash type files. Used by people making or watching this file type.

2) SWF
Abreviation of 'Single White Female'. Used by people interested in dating or women generally.
1) "What's it called again?"

2) "Woah, check out that SWF!"
by Yhtomit December 3, 2006
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1) FPS
Abbrieviation of First Person Shooter. Used by gamers.

2) FPS
Abbrieviation of Frames per Second. Used by animators and film makers.

Abbrievation of Feet per Second. Used by people measuring speed.
1) I went down to Game this afternoon, they got this great new FPS!

2)"How fast is that?"

3)Woah! That was going 100FPS!
by Yhtomit December 3, 2006
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Abbrieviation of 'dude are you serious'. used occasionally in chat rooms.
1- I just sold a mob fone on eBay!
2- How much?
1- £300!
2- DRUS?!?
by Yhtomit December 3, 2006
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