1 definition by Yes, Benny actually made this.

1. The word "Cigar" in Spanish, and/or the word used for it in any Spanish-speaking region.

2. Cuban slang for "Dad".

3. The name of the deuteragonist from the indie video game known as "Changed", a "dark-latex", white-mask donning, anthropomorphic, wolf-like creature.

(Basically, he's the partner of the protagonist, and his role is to support him throughout the journey as a companion, in the game.)

"Puro is the deuteragonist of Changed. He is a dark latex, wolf-like creature that guides and follows the player through the majority of the game." - The "Changed" Fandom

"Don't be afraid of me... I'm not going to assimilate you like the others." - "Puro" from "Changed".
Person: Hey amigo, could you pass me a Puro? (Cigar)

Person 2: He's so bossy, he can almost be like a Puro sometimes. (Dad)

Person 3: You know Puro from Changed? I love him! He's absolutely adorable, the fluffiest and best boy Puro, even if he IS a big latex-monster. ("Puro", from "Changed")
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