45 definitions by YO

the preppiest school in the world with the most bangin ppl and the hottest chicks ther are relle ugly guys but towerhill is definately not better because everyone leaves there school to come to tatnall
tatnall people dont know what they would do if they couldn't pop their collars
by YO March 18, 2005
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black man's weiner
(used most appropriately when viewing pornography)
Check out that BMW!
by YO September 22, 2003
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foreal with a phat ending
Me: man i fucked this fly bitch last night.

Chris: Forealski? i wish i could get some
by YO July 26, 2003
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the term used for any edible object used to pleasure oneself

usually inserted into the pussy
may also be inserted into the ass
Was that a cucumber in there?
No it was a banana.
Oh, wow she can take big vegetables
by YO May 13, 2004
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Can be used to refer to when people rhyme/flow.
"he spits rhymes" or "he be spittin rhymes like ace!"
by YO February 17, 2005
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an eunuch who had recently escape from china
( please report this to the CatchTheRip organization as soon as possible)
by YO April 25, 2005
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