14 definitions by Y0shi

The following effect and draw back after a huge hit of marijuana is taken, where the person pulls back from the bong and becomes bright and wide eyed, starry eyed surprise.....
Damn man, that hit made you starry eyed surprise.....
by Y0shi March 9, 2006
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A term used in beer pong that replaces a team mate for usually just a throw. The replacement can be anyone near the table choosen by the single player. This term is put in effect if the missing team mate taken a piss, droppin a deuce, or just unavalible at the time of his throw. This keeps the game flowing.
"Yo my team mate went to drop a deuce, imma have to run the figel option."
by Y0shi November 27, 2005
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1. Word used in refering to the act of smoking weed.

2. Also can be to inform others that are you high or stoned by simply adding a "D."
1. Hey man, you trying to go chipe.

2. Man I am so chiped.
by Y0shi July 1, 2005
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Adjective to describe the act of looking for very sexy girls that are 100% fine as hell to fuck. The girl is 100% fine and you're trying to hit it cause you're feeling hunterish.
Guy 1: Damn that girl is a 10 outta 10 and 100% sexy as hell and i'm feeling hunterish.
by Y0shi November 18, 2009
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A word to describe the act of someone seeing something for something that it isn't.

Someone blind to the truth, blind to what it actually is, but convinces themself otherwise just to ease their mind.
Person 1 - Man i just got fired from my job.
Person 2 - Well thats not always a bad thing, you got more free time on your hands now.
Person 1 - No, you're just a ciccist. This is terrible.
by Y0shi December 30, 2005
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Simply, really saggy boobs. The kind that just drop to a bitches knees. Also can have pepperoni sized nipples.
Damn that bitch got them slank meat titties. The kinda that just sag to da floor
by Y0shi June 10, 2008
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1. Another word meaning Homie or to aknowledge a close friend. Deterived from the Olmec tribe. A friend so close you'd consider him your brother.

2. Can also be said as olmec
1. Yo olms, you tryin to go on a burn run or something?

2. Yo olmec pass me the J
by Y0shi December 10, 2007
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