47 definitions by Wasabimoto

Some fake-ass wrestling that has gotten worse over time. They have no good storylines going on and wrestlers are starting to do stupid things. One male wrestler likes to wear dresses. One wrestler over exaggerates when he gets punched in the face. I paused one part where Ric Flair sopposedly stomped on a guy's head, and his foot never touched the guy's head.
Hey do you know that one wrestler in the WWE who always bends so damn far back everytime he gets punched?
I forgot his name....not worth remembering.
by Wasabimoto March 27, 2007
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What used to be a channel dedicated to video games and the latest technology. Now, it is filled with crap you can just watch on FOX. Cops and Lost are now shown on the channel. This channel also likes to play Ninja Warrior for at least 16 hours straight. Channel became real boring after all of those pointless shows.
G4TV used to be pretty cool, but now all I see are Fox programs.
by Wasabimoto October 16, 2008
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An O Party is a group of people who have had sex with really large objects until they have stretched the anus/twat into a huge O shape. They then gather around in a circle, still exposing their stretched holes, around a group of men. The men then ejaculate into each stretched hole. Other things may be used to pour into stretched holes, like syrup or oil.
It caught me by suprise that the party I attended to last week was actually an O party!
by Wasabimoto December 14, 2007
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The heavy metal forum is found on sites such as VampireFreaks, Ultimate Guitar Tabs, GaiaOnline, and other social or music sites. You can expect many Metal Elitists and emo teenagers within these walls.

The emo kids start topics about Bullet For My Valentine or Slipknot and talk about other emo shitty bands. These kids are usually spat on and booted from the mods.
The Elitists tell those kids to fuck off and die. All while talking about their shitty underground black metal bands. Any bands they don't like are considered not metal. Any band with more than 10,000 fans are considered sell-outs and mainstream.
Fights always break out between the two sides, with the Emo usually throwing the "It's my Opinion" and "Freedom of Speech" arguments, and the elitist using the "No, it's a fact that (band) is SHIT" argument.
Typical Metal Forum Scenario

14-Year old in a Recommendation Thread: Check out these bands!
Job for a Cowboy
Bullet for my Valentine
Five Finger Death Punch

Elitist: I'd rather have cancer and AIDS simultaneously than to listen to that shit.
*shitstorm ensues*
by Wasabimoto October 29, 2011
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Nintendo's only system that failed. It had red monochrome graphics that looked like lasers. It sucked in and breathed out fart. After it failed, thousands of virtual boys were crushed and recycled into fully funtional dildos. Failed because the games suck ballsack skin and your eyes would die after an hour of gameplay.
Guy: Oh my god, dude, I just bought a rare Virtual Boy on eBay!

Freind: "How much was it?"

Guy: $500. It was a classic.

Freind shankes him in the liver.
by Wasabimoto March 26, 2007
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The round flesh sitting at the very top of your thighs and under your back. It is almost like a cover for the anushole. Often slapped, grabbed and targeted by horny people. If left unwashed, they can grow nasty pimples.
There must be a tight ass and twat obscured beneath those big golden asscheeks.
by Wasabimoto December 14, 2007
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When you see all the garbage on television, something hits you and you start watching all of the old shows you watched and loved as a child on Youtube. You go on wikipedia to find the names of all the episodes, read some other info and why the show was cancelled. Affects people that are at least 17 years of age, can can last a few days, to weeks.
Or it can go away and relapse later.
I was in nostalgia phase, so I started watching Ren and Stimpy and 30 Minutes of Cartoon Openings from the 1990's videos on youtube.
by Wasabimoto October 5, 2008
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