22 definitions by Wanderlust®

Desire to escape the sugar-coated reality.
Things never go right when you try.
You encouraged me to make dreams come true.
You never told me that nightmares are dreams, too.
I want to travel. Desire to have a very long vacation. Anywhere, anytime, doesn't matter.
by Wanderlust ® November 04, 2021
by Wanderlust® April 19, 2023
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It is the forbidden love. The kind of love that they cannot freely disclose to each others due to some complications in their lives. If it wasn't forbidden, then it wouldn't be on here - Urban Dictionary.

You don't have to tell me. I know you have feelings for me, and they hidden deep inside your heart. It might be the kind of feelings that you cannot define or explain. It might be just some quick attraction that easy comes and easy goes. Whatever it is, it's there. As long as I know, isn't that enough?

We can put those feelings in a box, lock it, tuck it away safely deep inside our hearts. 🔐 Exchange our keys🗝️ Nobody else knows. Maybe when we turn 80s.. We will revisit that corner of our hearts, open the box, and be able to tell each others then?

Before we leave this world behind.
Before we go back to ashes.
Remind each others again, so that I won't easily forget in my next life - if that even exists. I will try my best to find you, so that we can try to love each others first..to see how it goes. Maybe? : )
by Wanderlust® April 19, 2023
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Her: When I did not write for you because I was busy, you complained, correct?
Him: Correct!
Her: When I wrote a lot for you, you complained that you don't have time to go through my posts because there are too many, correct?
Him: Yepp, correct!!!😂

Her: When I chased you, ran around from mountain down to ocean just to find you, you complained and pushed me away, correct?
Him: Correct..🥺
Her: When I respected your wish to be left alone, and I just siliently watched you from a distance through those apps including this, you complained that you want "offline, please do something, disclose, do it, try again until you feel happy with the results", correct?
Him: Correct....🙄
Her: Now, if I don't hug you, you will complain saying that I don't nurture you well, that we are not bestie — "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini", correct?
Him: Correct! 😎
Her: So, if I hug you all day long and all night long and don't let you go, you will still complain that you don't want to be obsessed over, correct?
Him: Corr..ect... :)
Her: Jin, you are too much... I will file a complaint to your heart that you've complained too much and that I can lock you in my heart.
Him: I promise I won't complain...

🦦 March 03, 2022
by Wanderlust® April 20, 2023
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I am not responsible for any emotional distress, abrupt sexual desires such as noc sth emission, daydreaming.. after reading my definitions.
Disclaimer: Definitions are written based on imagination, a playful mind, accumulated knowledge through observation and reading.
by Wanderlust ® November 12, 2021
by Wanderlust® April 19, 2023
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Her: I want to switch!!!
Him: What?
Her: I want to switch with your puppy!!

Him: What do you mean?
Her: I want that green towel on my head like that..and be next to you..
Him: You are crazy..
Her: I want to switch!! I want to be right next to that chest. If I was your puppy, then I'd turn around and kiss that smile..

Him: Speechless.. You want that green towel that badly? Here *Put on her head* Have it.. I'm going for a walk. It's not cold anymore.

Her: You purposely ignored my desire to be next to you.. btw, I just randomly come up with this when you mentioned about "cold" weather.

«The Cold season has passed
The Hot summer won't last»

That statement is for people who want winter when it's summer and vice versa so that they won't feel so discouraged.. :)

🦦 April 02, 2022
by Wanderlust® April 20, 2023
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Full of silent sadnesses. There isn't any ambient noises around you. The feeling of wanting to hold back, to stop the Time, to rewind it back to the beginning once more. The urge of wanting to relive in the moments once again.
Feeling nostalgic is possible when thinking of something that you never had. That is because you did have it in another world - the imaginary world of yours.

Nostalgic. It is when you don't feel well connected with the neither present nor the unknown future. You try to connect the dots and the only way to connect it right is understanding the past. Then, you feel nostalgic.
Will you feel nostalg ic when you think of me sometimes in the future?
by Wanderlust ® October 27, 2021
by Wanderlust® April 19, 2023
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Natsukashii is a Japanese word used when something evokes a fond memory from your past. It's when you feel nostalgic.
Natsukashii. Have you ever?
by Wanderlust ® November 05, 2021
by Wanderlust® April 19, 2023
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