12 definitions by Vex

(To do a ~) To do or say something creative that does not get all the credit it deserves.
"I don't want to do a Hystrix again."
by Vex December 20, 2004
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Noisy power tool with moving cerrated metal blade designed for ease of chopping down trees and other such tasks. A lot cooler than knives, at any rate, and make great murder weapons.
by Vex December 20, 2004
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A word that can be used instead of punctuation in a sentence. Such as: fullstops, comas, semicolans, question marks, exclamation marks, etc etc. Can also be used to replace most grammer in sentences, such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, etc etc.
Bhainchod that bhainchod doesn't bhainchod listen to a bhainchod word I say bahinchod
by Vex December 2, 2003
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new internet slang, suft stands for shut up fuck tard. can be used as an alternitive to stfu.
by Vex August 30, 2003
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